Painting tips!

The best way to avoid getting paint on your clothes, is to strip down to your underpants and coat your body in a thin layer of vaseline. Any paint that gets on you will wash off easily in the shower afterwards. Added bonus, it's a great skin moisturizer. :biggrin1::cool:


Hey great tip ! will remember that one ;) not too sure about walknig around covered in vaseline but its worth a shot i suppose !
Actually, speaking as someone who used to mix paint for a living, too much petroleum products can do serious damage to internal organs. The best way to remove latex based paint is hot soapy water. It's water based. Oil based, well, count on some sandpaper and orange hand cleaner.
Thank you Chuck! Why the hell would anyone put vaseline
on your body when you should be wearing painting clothes.
I usually got paint on myself when I was painting but no professional painter {like me} would smear their body in vaseline and then put your "whites" on.
Sorry that's a loony idea best kept in the house while painting nude.

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