Ten Miles of Bad Road

In the last month or so a bunch of people I knew from high school have discovered me on Face Book. Fine, no problem, most of them I was friendly with or knew from some club or another. There is one cutie patootie that I had a crush on back in 1982, but I didn't think he knew I existed. I friended him back right away. :biggrin1:

The thing is, that with the exception of two or three, I look better than all of them. Now I don't mean to sound vain, because I know I am 50 lbs. heavier now than when I graduated. Thank God I'm tall and can carry it well! :wink: I guess it's no surprise that the best looking people are the gay guys. Yes, I was a fag hag in high school.:redface: I didn't even know the word existed back then. :tongue: FWIW: I have always gotten along with gay guys. :cool: My gays love me. :biggrin1:

The skin on some of these people is like the Burma road. One girl who was known for her porcelain skin and jet black wavy hair and was nick named Snow White, now looks like a 65 year old grandma and she is just one year older than me! :yikes: I'm tempted to send her some Oil of Olay Regenerist and a bottle of Miss Clairol.

For heavens sake people, have mercy on the viewing public. Before posting a pic on Face Book or MySpace make sure it's a good picture. It should be in color, focused, NOT blurry, smile . . . show some teeth even if you had to buy them. :biggrin1: If your 10 year old wedding picture is your only good picture, then you need to take another picture. A cute candid shot with a cell phone is acceptable.

I know, I sound vain. That's because I am somewhat vain. :tongue: I don't mind getting old, but I refuse to look old. :cool:


How about letting people present themselves in whatever way makes them comfortable and happy?

I don't think think you sound vain, P - just judgemental - really fucking judgemental.
I left my high school and college days behind on ten miles of bad road. That is why I am not nostalgic for my years of schooling. No reunions=happiness for me.
Some of my high school classmates aged well and others did not. When I found them on Facebook, I was just so glad to see them that somehow I saw but didn't see the wrinkles and gray hair. I hope they were as happy to see me no matter the changes.

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