
Most of the time, re-invention happens as a result of ones initiative in order to achieve new found recognition or definition.
I have had to re-invent myself as a simple matter of time, place and circumstance.
Where am i? What do people want of me?

What would "they" like to see or hear? What would calm the unhappy souls of those people i come into contact with? I have always been stricken with how unhappy people are. And how desperately they would appreciate a bit of positive attention, a kind word.
I learned this as a young child being taken by my glam model parents to parties. They were so beautiful and so social and so well well received. But as a little kid that was not to be heard from, i looked and looked and watched.
My parents were celebrities that smiled and posed on cue and when pulled aside, they listened intently and put in a word for whatever was needed.
It was a charmed life to know. Save that the beautiful, model, celeb. parents were absolutely less than beautiful, model parents.
I became accustomed to the attention i was given when dragged out with them and on those circumstances, my parents were everything i wanted. they payed attention to me, they were kind, they affectionate, they were affable to me.
I was a good little kid and smiled and nodded on cue. bashful, blonde haired little kid with blue eyes the size of dinner plates.
then after my performance i was sent to a hotel room or apartment at the care of some endless string of nannies or sitters or whatever.
So fast forward over 30 years. here i am in a new state, needing a new job, a new place to live and a new relationship. The only thing i know how to do is be sincere and explain how it is that my career is/has been worthwhile.
The odd thing to me is that when i explain what great things i have done in my career with facts, figures and finances with full examples - PER REQUEST - i realize that what i have accomplished and demonstrated is somehow perceived as 'threatening' by those 'below' me.
It seems i need to re-invent myself to have less experience, fewer qualifications in such a way as to be somehow employable by people that are less educated and less experienced than I am.
All of THAT aside, the most recent woman that said she wanted to have my baby all of a sudden - after an orgasmic night with me, AND subsequently talking with my ex. - decides that she does not want to have another child, but at 36 she wants to settle down and be serious - with ME. she demands that i forego my lifelong calling of being a dad and having kids because she wants to be with me.
wow. that's a bit of a tall order.

so it seems i am in need of a complete re-invention. How do I be myself and convey that i am a highly capable marketing/communications/PR guy and an amazingly attentive, aware and sexually amazing boyfriend.

I don't know how to re-invent myself so that prospective employers will hire me, or SANE, healthy, socially aware, beautiful women will want to date me and be great mothers to my children.

SO - if you have tales of your re-invention, let everyone know how you re-invented yourself and how that worked out for you.


I have re invented myself, and I continue to grow up and about. Never become a fossil. Continue to re examine yourself.
"How do I be myself and convey that i am ... an amazingly attentive, aware and sexually amazing boyfriend."

At least that part, goodwood, you convey by simply being it.
(And choosing the right potential partner.)

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