Older women + younger man = hot

I think I finally met someone I connect with completely. She's the older woman that I talked about in my previous blog. It's the first time I've been on a date or in a relationship and not felt like I was constantly on edge or giving a performance.....she's super chill.

Also...she's only 5 feet tall and I can't help but admit that it's a turn on to think of a short woman like that taking me in...

We walked around Brooklyn Heights for a few hours and hung out by the Promenade and had some coffee.....now we're meeting up again next Sunday at her apartment. I think this is a good sign.

Also, she smokes a ton of cigarettes and I have to admit that is another turn on. She is really attractive and has such a wonderful carefree personality. I really dig her, essentially.


Well you go poet!
I think if your'e upfront with her about most things you should really hit it off!
Best wishes on this new "endeavor"!
Best of luck, damn i wish i could meet a hot mature lady like you, ive read your previous blog posts, and you have been far more lucky in dating than me :) ...
Go for it! At 17, I was initiated into world of sexual delight and educated over a three month period by a woman in her early 30's. Forget the clueless, naive school girls. You'll never be sorry.

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