Thinking about a blog!

So I have never written a blog in my life and wonder if anyone would really interested in anything I have to say, so I’m looking for inspiration on what people want to read about when thinking about me..

Im just a normal ‘naughty girl’ with naughty thoughts and a curious mind, and as some will know I have a few guilty pleasures, mainly driven by my life experiences!

I’m now married, and only on here because my hubby suggested it! I wasn’t sure to start with, but now I am.. we get lots out of this and enjoy the banter that comes with sharing pics and thoughts!

Let me know what you want to hear about! :)


You have all these beautiful photos of you in a hot tub in the stunning Australia wilderness! If you write about you naughty adventures down under, there’s an audience here to read. ;)
Every normal "naughty girl" has had experiences that we would love to hear about! Perhaps you could start with whatever 'guilty pleasure' you were most nervous about before the event, but glad of it after the fact. Your history will be entertaining and educational, I'm sure!
How about sharing a naughty experience that made you feel shy or embarrassed?
Keep blogging please. I love learning people’s thoughts as much as I love looking at their sexy bits. Its the brains behind the operation that makes the advertising pictures work, especially in your case. Guessing your Hubbi is your photographer? If so please tell him he is very good at it! If instead they are selfies ( which are sooo hard to get right) you are amazing!
@the_need_is_ Thanks so much for your comments, and I am so pleased you enjoy my blogs. You have inspired me to write another, so watch this space!

Hubby does take most of my pics, with a few selfies thrown in. Hubby enjoys me being on LPSG and likes to play a part :)

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