is your penis not what you want?

Yep, penises come in many sizes and shapes. Sizes can not be changed much but the shapes are somewhat what you make them.
Research shows that the penis developes to it's own shape. I disagree with that to a point.
How do you place your penis in your underwear? Down, up, to the side?
Do you remember when you were a kid and what position you always put your penis in?
Just think, if you taped one toe over another, would it grow like that from birth until you reach puberty?
I think that a penis would grow the same way - to what ever position you put it in and keep it in from a very young age until you reach puberty. After puberty, it's all set and another change can not be made through normal growth.
Think about when you get married and have boys. Of course, the final decision is up to them.
Also, I was circumsized when I was a baby and had no say in the matter. Today, I wished I was never circumsized. Some foreskin has come back since my divorice - I guess because I didn't care about what position my penis ended up in my underwear when I put them on or put it back in after I peed. I like the foreskin and don't have to worry about the slit in my head getting caught against my underwear. That really hurts! Just have to keep it clean so it don't stink. Learn as you go is the way it happened for me.


I like my penis. I appreciate it for what it is. There are men with bigger penises. I am not envious. I don't want bigger.

What can you do about one's penis size anyway? Be happy with what you have.
How do you position your cock to regrow some skin. I was also circumsized at birth. I went to college in Italy for a year and was very jealous of my uncut boyfriends. The practice is almost unheard of now in Europe even for religious reasons.

I would have to say that the foreskin returning is due to a couple of things. One is getting older. I just returned a comment to cannonballs on a blog I sent in about Penis too big?
But that is a little different. What I do when I'm done peeing, I slightly squeeze and slide the skin toward the head to get out the last dribbles of pee. Then I just let it slip back into my underwear. After a while, the foreskin started coming back. But it's like the foreskin restoration and stretching they are talking about on other sites. It took about a year before I noticed some difference, and another year until the head would pretty much stay covered, but it happened. sometimes when I get ready for bed, or take a shower, the foreskin naturally uncovers and will stay uncovered until you put underwear on and pull the skin back over the head. You can then put your penis over to one side or the other or straight up. But if it's not used to being in that position, it may not always stay. And it depends on how tight you were circumsized. Skin stretching takes time - sometimes two years before you will notice any results. But mother nature is slow when you want her to be fast. Buty when you get older - over fifty - then you'll wish for mother nature to slow down. Time just flies. It's summer now, but tomorrow it will be winter.
Hope this helps with your question.
There are many foreskin restoration sites on the internet. A good book is 'The Joy of Uncircumcising' by Jim Bigelow. I have restored my foreskin over time, and am happy to report a natural looking uncut willie. I am having the tip reduced by surgery, so that my foreskin does not automatically retrace. Contact me further if you'd like updates and suggestions.

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