My life as having a small cock

I have started a couple of threads on this subject, with the most recent being this one:

This is just a fun blog to show my life.....and often frustrations of having a smaller cock. I know many men with smaller cocks are on this site. Why? Well I can tell you my answer.

Like most men, I have always wanted a larger cock. And at 4 1/2 inches I am def below average. I would love to have a woman gasp in amazement when she first sees my cock. I would love for a woman to tell me to be careful as I put it in her. You know, things like that. But they are not going to happen. So I kind of live out those little fantasies through you men with larger cocks.

Yes, we love to see the look on a woman's face when she realizes nothing has gone that deep before. We live for the moment when she says, "oh your cock is so huge" during thrusting. But we can only enjoy those in watching video.

So before I become a broken record, I will just say that this is a recolection of my life in having a small cock. Yes, some of you may relate to me, so you are free to also share.

thanks, and may the games begin!

Comments here to help with such...never think its all about the massive cocks....its about you and your dailey strruggle to be a GOOD MAN.....the rest always falls into place...yes we are all same...and afew inches of skin and muscle really have little to do with anything...only in our minds eye.................but yes...I too know what you are feeling, most here do also.
body image issues hurt like hell...

if it is any consolation,i believe women want more
than they can handle,in a very literal sense.
not all women,but ALOT.

i know my girlfriend was disappointed in my cocksize,
when she found out it was "above" average she
seemed even more disappointed.

sometimes i think of becoming a hermit monk
and just studying qabalism and eating lots of mushrooms.
i always wanted to know what men with small or smaller than cocks did. is it hard to have sex or do women just overlook you?? any man can enjoy there own cock....jacking off or being sucked. men understand men. women still have not figured us out yet. of course there surgical ways of making it bigger...have you tried any kind of pills???
hairyman101;bt17657 said:
i always wanted to know what men with small or smaller than cocks did. is it hard to have sex or do women just overlook you?? any man can enjoy there own cock....jacking off or being sucked. men understand men. women still have not figured us out yet. of course there surgical ways of making it bigger...have you tried any kind of pills???

Pills? Are you for real? You think there's a pill that's going to make your penis bigger? Surgery? No decent doctor is going to operate on a functional 4.5 cock. You want someone cutting your dick? It doesn't really mak it bigger, anyway -- just cuts the ligament. Unless you get the girth surgery, where they shoot a lot fo crap into your dick. Speaking of dicks...
I have a self esteem issue because of my small penis. I always wonder what you bigger guys think when you see something as small as mine. I love to go to the gym but shy away from the showers, sauna or locker area. I want to get over it but tell me how do I go about doing it. All comments will be appreciated.

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D_Landrocke DeLonguepiece III
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