Happiness In Life

At my age I realize that to be happy most of the time is certainly going to improve my outlook on life. In fact, happiness may also improve my lifespan.

There is no real reason to be unhappy. It is true that trials and troubles happen to us all, but I now realize that to appreciate life one must forget the trials and troubles and focus on the good things. What is gained with dwelling on the problems of one's life?

Certainly, nothing.

Admittedly, life is not perfect nor will it ever be, but acceptance of that fact will also assist one to realize that by focusing on the positive will produce far better results than being focused on the negative.

Just as focusing on the big picture rather than being self-centered will allow one to be more positive.

When life becomes all about me, it is difficult to realize that you can not obtain happiness unless you have more stuff, etc.

When did I learn all of this? A series of trials and troubles throughout my life!!

Enjoy Life!!!!


Do you think an small penis under 8 inch as example 5,5 inches and less than 4,4 inches girth its for be unhappy ,to feel under any other man concern to sex and women .
the rest of the life its easy just only to live as simple as possible , but general sexual problems can make life imposssible for a man .
Size it is impossible to resolve (heard that girth it is different) but other sexual problems are much more important , as dificult to obtain and mantein rigidness and worst premature ejaculation that avoid the whole handle or funtion of the penis
Living a Happy Life is accepting what you are, what you have and making the best of it.

Admittedly I have been well blessed.

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