Sometimes, I wonder ...

Can some people just be unlucky in love? Are some people just terminally inept at it? It can't just be me ... the law of averages dictates that out of 7 billion people, there must be more than me. I'm not going to make this out to be some sort of sob-story. I figure it must just be the women that I'm attracted to. I meet them, I get on with them, I start to fall and then ... they talk about their boyfriend. This is the luck that I speak of. Somehow this is worse than an out-and-out rejection because with that at least I'm not engaged in the person.

I think I should just give up, it would probably mean ... something ...


Don't give up.
Keep on trying and try not to get attached to anyone as
fast as you do normally. Perhaps that might be the problem?
I am turned off by guys who get attached right away or don't have any social skills or graces.
Best Wishes to you nice guy!
Lol, the american dream is dead. No offense to anyone still there, but it is hard to find a decent girl. here in korea on the other hand.... holy shit....

It is so easy to find beautiful and cute girls who are still virgins, even well into their 30's! (not to say there aren't slutty girls here too but this type of girl is still very common)

My gf here was 23 when we first met and never had a bf before. The thing is that many of this girls are super religious. They spend all day (literally) in church. I know because I just came back after like 4 services with my gf @___@. But there are tons of cute giggling korean girls coming up to me to talk because i am the only foreigner there out of 10,000 korean members. Anyhow, I had shit luck getting with a decent girl back in the states, but here i got asked out by girls all the time. I never want to go back.
I feel for you, bud. I don't have the answers. I would be happy if I could find THE ONE as well. (EDIT: I should say: I would be happy if I could find and KEEP
THE ONE.) I know that that is impossible to do. So, I deal. You'll have to deal with being lonely at times as well.

I hope that you find someone though. Be happy and I wish you luck in your mission.

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