My Chat, PM; and Sex Pet Peeves

My presence on this site does not mean that I am lacking in morals or ethics.

I don't mean to imply that having a fetish isn't normal. It's just that some of them are shall we say . . . distasteful to me.

I am not interested in & will not:
  • I will not view your cam.
  • I do not own a cam and I'm not buying one to please you.
  • I will not pee on you or have you pee on me.
  • I find scat disgusting. God made toilets for a reason.:yuck:
  • I have no interest in a FMF 3some. I don't do pussy...ever! That's why my profile says 100% straight.
  • If you have sex with relatives keep it to yourself.
  • Leave my parents out of it! I have no desire to have a 4some with you and my parents! :mad: Yes, someone from here actually wanted to role play that with me. :puke:
  • Just because you have seen it in porn, doesn't mean I or any other woman are going to do that with or for you.
  • It's a pussy, not a spitoon.
  • I have NO INTEREST in SPH!! Don't ask me for it and don't try to lure me in to it. I will hurt your feelings and not in a good way.
  • I am a size queen, I prefer long thick cocks. It took me over 20 years to figure that out. I now know what works for me sexually and what doesn't. I refuse to go backwards at this point. Lateral moves are fine though.


Yeah, I know what you mean! Some of these things are just plain kooky!

Roleplay about your parents???!!! Now I wouldn't mind a Tarzan/Jane roleplay (hey, I like men in loincloths!), but I don't want to have anything to do with anything remotely resembling incest!
I want you to view my cam, then let me pee on you, than I want my dad and I to have our ways with you while your grandma films it ;)
Excellent blog - but I will lay bets you'll be approached and asked to participate in at least half of these non-practices in the next couple of days!

I particularly liked your comment that you are not lacking in morals and ethics by being on this site. I said a similar thing in chat - men like the idea of women talking freely about sex and being open to their advances but at the same time go all 'Victorian' on you when you say something that they deem to be too liberated!

The old adage 'princess in the kitchen but a slut in the bedroom' comes to mind.. except Im a slut in the kitchen...and the lounge.. and the bathroom... and THAT's why I'm somebody's princess!
DJG - You're a class act!! Send me a copy of that film will ya?

NJQT - I'm SO very disapointed in you! You won't consider FMF - Damn! Go and spoil my fantasies why don't you!

In all seriousness though. Well said - it won't get you anywhere with the assholes mind :rolleyes:, but at least you have a link you can point them at as an extra fuck-off.
Frankly, no golden showers is a deal breaker. I hope it's just a phase I am going through. Oh wtf! I'll do you njqt!
I have no idea where these men learn this etiquette. It sucks how a few men can chase away most women. I'm glad you can look past this and still enjoy yourself here.
NJ! I thought we were going to keep the family ties comments between ourselves?!

On a serious note though, ew, sick, blah, nasty, cringe, shudder, dry heave, who the hell wanted to get your parents involved?! Before anyone says it, I'm a redneck, I'm not a hick, a hick's motto is more along the lines of "nothing says loving like screwing your cousin" and that is not a motto that a redneck lives by!

Excellent blog!
What did y'all say there ngqtee?
Uh huh dayum yup uh huh.
ma raydneck impersonayshun

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