Avatar Change

I changed from Sebastian Stan to Melanie Lynskey because I don't want the gender police to cite me for parking in the wrong lot. Sick of fighting subpoenas from them in my real life. Online, I'll have smooth pavement.

Also, I happen to look quite a lot like Ms. Lynskey, facially, and I have her coloring, too.

Wish I had her boobs, talent, and Aussie twang, too, though... :redface:


Ah well as long as you're a female (the kind with boobs and vagina) and you list yourself as that feel free to have any avatar you want. :smile: Afterall just look at all of the guys on here who have big jiggling boobies for avatars.

Although the people on here always want women to verify themselves. Since there are/havebeen so many "females" that in real life had penises.

Feel free to use the :fuckoff : avatar to me :smile:

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