I love self pleasure.. I take my index and middle finger and press it against one of the lips of my pussy. Press against that one lip until I can feel a really nice pressure on my clit and then just start rubbing my clit from there. I don't know what it is that makes great sensation, but I like that better than just just normal finger fucking.
I can do this watching porn when my husband is not around and have super "O" one after another, Having them is a great feeling and I know all of you would agree. Being horny gives me that urge in needed to have great "O". In fact I had a few already.
I don't like toys rather have my husband dick and if not self pleasure, Com on guys look at my pictures find one you like, and get that BIGGG load out. I LOVE SEX>
I can do this watching porn when my husband is not around and have super "O" one after another, Having them is a great feeling and I know all of you would agree. Being horny gives me that urge in needed to have great "O". In fact I had a few already.
I don't like toys rather have my husband dick and if not self pleasure, Com on guys look at my pictures find one you like, and get that BIGGG load out. I LOVE SEX>