A shout out to the 'underappreciated'

I just wanted to take a moment to submit my thanks to those of us at the site who take the time to read posts and interact with each other rather than just write to fill their ego.

There are people here who are brilliant and may feel underappreciated because they don't get reactions.

I want you people to know that I appreciate your effort and think you are all brilliant, funny, and incredible. Worth reading each and everytime.

Keep up the good work, folks... you should know who you are.:smile:


I love having you here Jeff. Welcome back :smile:.

Well stated.
Jeff, now this is one of the reasons why I've missed you so much. You are a really great guy and it serves as a ray of light to this site. It really is good to have you back!
There are people here who are brilliant and may feel underappreciated because they don't get reactions.
This does happen.If I've read a worthwhile post which someone has put a lot of effort into I feel as if I'm wasting space if all I can add is "Good point,well put!".

Good point,well put Jeff. Welcome back! :smile:
Um, could I fuck Tom Welling on Christmas Eve?...Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Michael C. Hall and I promise to have him back before Christmas morning. :redface:
Don't know you, but heard a lot of people say good things about you.
Now I know why. Good to read your posts!

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jeff black
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1 min read
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