Neighbourhood Affairs

So i'm a 3rd year Sparky, do odd jobs around my street, dont charge much

Wife next door rings me on my day off asking to come fix some wires, i say no problem, be there in 10 minutes, just finishing lunch.

Get over there, do what i have to do when she jumps me, starts kissing me feeling me up, at the time im thinking great, shes hot , a bit older, bit of a fantasy for any 19 year old.

Finished up and went home all happy, this happened 3 days ago and now i feel like shit, i get along well with the Husband, even though he can sometimes be a w@nker and abusive to his wife, Yet i still feel bad for commiting the act.

Really in a tight spot here, should i confess up, convince her to confess up to him, should i keep it quiet and hope for more, not that i would deny her but i feel awful whenever i think about it, They dont have kids yet but still i feel this way

Can anyone help? Any ideas as to what i should do? Why i feel this way?

Because for the first time in a long time, i have no answer

THanks for your help in advance guys


Don't feel guilt: she's not cheating on her husband because of you, but because there's something wrong in their relationship (you did say he was abusive, didn't you?). I'd say go for it and enjoy the ride. Girls your own age really can't compete with more experienced women in the sack--honest. Just don't expect for anything more than just sex, as she's probably got so much baggage which she needs to deal with, at least right now, that a long lasting relationship with anyone--especially a much younger little stud muffin--is pretty damn unlikely.
Shut The Fuck Up. :rolleyes: :duh:

Confession may be good for the soul but it can be hazardous to your health.

If she comes on to you again just tell her, "Thanks, but I don't feel right about this since I know your husband."

Why in the name of God and all that's holy would you tell her husband!?!?!? You said he was abusive. Do you want him to beat the shit out of her, so that you can walk away absolved of some alleged sinful feeling. :confused:

Some things you need to take to your grave!
Say nothing.
Do not be alone with her again.

Don't feel guilty.
Good moral judgment is frequently absent when your penis is hard

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