The Accidental Object of Affection

So as many of you know, I have re-tooled my career and it is going very well. So well in fact, I am being approached for major promotion in just my second week. at any rate, the way our company works is you go through a rigorous training program in your first weeks before you are unleashed on the general populous.

Naturally I am being nicknamed the training group "dad". I bring in goodies and always have $5 for the guy or girl who forgot to get lunch. Always smiling and have an ear for those with a problem, etc. At the end of day 4, we lost someone. She was a wonderful girl, very nice, a sweetheart and dead gorgeous IMHO. She completely missed day 4 of training and they warn us that if you miss a whole day's training, you may not be able to continue on in the job. That was what happened.

I was kind of bummed as she had kind of gravitated towards me and I took her under my wing. Now jump ahead to yesterday afternoon. We had sessions on how things were going and I mentioned that her departure was a community bummer for the class, but we recouped and it showed how strong a team we were. After that our supervisor asked if I had a few minutes at the end of the day. I told him sure.

After everyone had said their "Have a nice weekends.", we shut the door. What he told me was a shock. Now the whole class knows I am married as I always talk about the wife and show off pics of the kids. One of the other girls who really thinks I am great for being such a devoted husband had come to our supervisor after having a talk with Terri (the girl who was now no longer in the class). It seems Terri had talked to her one day after we all had lunch together and asked her if she thought I was really that devoted as she really fancied me. It didn't stop at just that though.

It seems that Maddie (the girl who Terri told that she fancied me) saw Terri putting a note on my car. She intercepted the note and the note was very blunt about what she wanted to "do" with me. She confronted Terri and asked her what she thought she was doing. Her reply was "Getting the man I want." Maddie took it to HR and the decision was made to let her go on grounds of harassment.

As I walked out to the parking lot rather dazed at what had just been told to me. I called my wife and asked her for the "on your way home would you..." list. As we were hanging up I said, "You know I love you and only you right?" My wife kind of laughed and said of course and she knows there are women out there that wish they had what she does, but "they ain't getting you."

Monday, I'm buying Maddie lunch as a thank you for watching my back. I'm also hoping that Terri finds happiness and realizes she has a decent husband too and a "fling" isn't worth sacrificing that wonderful thing you have, but may not completely see.

Maybe I should be a little less approachable and cold. I dunno anymore, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this as I just thought she was a super kid. Live and learn.


That's all you can do sweetie, live and learn!
But don't go changing yourself just because of others short-comings.
It's sad that people put themselves and others in weird situations but that is their doing, not yours.

Take it on the chin and move on honey....
Big Hugs
Osiris,you know as well as I do you can't take everybody at face value.
I try to make Mr. Ed understand this as well,but unlike me, you and he still seem to see, the best in everybody. I don't think it's a bad thing, I just think,not everybody has your best interest at heart,and you do have to weed out those insincere slugs, baby.
I am happy that this girl was watching out for you but it's in my nature to wonder, why she did,what she did.
Glad to hear that, things are going well for you on the job!
Osiris,you know as well as I do you can't take everybody at face value. I know that too; but I still do the same thing. :redface: I like to believe everyone is good until they show me otherwise. :cool:
I try to make Mr. Ed understand this as well,but unlike me, you and he still seem to see, the best in everybody. I don't think it's a bad thing, I just think, not everybody has your best interest at heart, and you do have to weed out those insincere slugs, baby. Do you teach classes in how to do this because I have never quite mastered this art. :redface: I do recognize it as a life skill that would definetely be beneficial.
I am happy that this girl was watching out for you but it's in my nature to wonder, why she did,what she did. I thought about that as well. I think that maybe Maddie got a bad vibe off the other girl. The one that was hot for him. Sometimes you just know when someone is up to no good.
Glad to hear that, things are going well for you on the job!

don't let some people's misperception of your natural kindness change you. I love meeting guys (or girls) like you when beginning a new job, as I tend to be a bit anxious and someone like you is a Godsend. But I know the difference between my companionship needs and my intimacy ones, and I am not confused.:smile:
Thanks guys. As for why Maddie did it? I can tell you. She was having a rough time with her fiance and he was in one of those not so sensitive moods, said some hurtful things and she was near tears. I just told her rather than seek revenge, go home and make a nice dinner, get a good bottle of wine, and let him know how much you love him. She looked at me like I was crazy, but the next day, she admitted it worked. He felt neglected. Maddie met my wife and loved her from moment one. I think she was just looking out for us.

Cigarbabe? When can I sign up for your class on weeding out?:biggrin1:

And rest assured. I will not change. Believe that. :wink:
Yup been there, only I had no one watching my back. When I decline her advances I was released for harassment. Only thing she was a new employee and I had 13 years of service. I found out after, my boss ( Ops Mgr) had taken her "title" for less money than I was making. Karma is a ? she was fired later. I refuse to let it change me. I will still be the person that believes everyone can succeed if given the chance.

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