It's Not What You're Like, It's What You Like....

That's what my friend Rairigh said matters to me. And the funny part is, it's true. At least when it comes to dating/friendships. I prefer to be with someone whose interested in the same things I am. I know it sounds bad. But I'm a big fan of conversation. I don't like talking about the weather. I don't like conventional people. I like the weirdos.

So, the point of this entry is a woman, a 21 year old college student from the Bronx, messaged me on OKCupid. I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but she seems really cool. She loves Bukowski, Daniel Clowes, John Waters, Neil Young, etc. She's really cool. And there's nothing that attracts me more than being really cool. I hope it works out.


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