actioncfc;2024903 said:
Okay did you know men can get breast cancer. I hate when the doctor holds your nuts and feels for abnormal things. Because when someone grabs your junk you tend to get hard. I sometimes start to pre cum too! Not what I need to happen in that situation. Althought it could get me a date.
Glad to see you mention leaking pre cum during a physical exam. At last month's company mandated exam, this young Asian doc examined my testicles while I stood completely naked in front of him. Shortly into this exam, I began to feel my penis enlarge but I continued to stare straight ahead, coughing when instructed. He said nothing and I said nothing. The next thing I know I am fully erect and leaking considerably as he placed his finger on my prostate. To make mattters worse, after the DRE, he had me turn around in order to check for discharge from my penis. There I stood, all eight inches directed straight at him, leaking like a water hose. Again, he said nothing and I said nothing. Thank God this guy was company appointed, and not my regular MD who happens to also be a gym buddy.