DJ cancels party for 'light-skinned' black women

This pisses me off on so many levels I can't begin to tell you. :mad: I could almost excuse this as ignorance if it were a white DJ. Simply because most white people just see black people as black people. They don't see the vast differences in shades and tones that blacks do. For a black DJ to do this to his own people is incomprehensible. :confused::mad:

Amid furor, DJ cancels party for 'light-skinned' black women

</SPAN>DETROIT -- A local DJ and party promoter retreated Thursday from a plan to sponsor a bash that would let "light-skinned" black women into a downtown club for free.

But the "Light Skin Libra Birthday Bash" at Club APT on Woodward Avenue turned out to be a bashing -- of promoter Ulysses "DJ Lish" Barnes after word of the unusual party spread on the Internet.

"I made a mistake," Barnes said. "I didn't think there would be a backlash."

Barnes, who said he's been a party promoter for six years, canceled the event.
He said he has gotten angry calls and e-mails from around the country about the party.

"I didn't mean to offend anyone," he said. "I had planned a party for other shades (of black women). We were going to take a shade of color each week. Next week was going to be a party for 'Sexy Chocolate' and the week after that 'Sexy Caramel.' "
Barnes is African-American and describes himself as "dark skinned." The issue of skin color is an often painful and emotional among African-Americans. The history of slavery and the resulting legacy of intra-racial segregation have sometimes pitted darker-skinned and lighter-skinned blacks against one another.

A noted Los Angeles-based activist who goes by the name of Pearl Jr. was among the chorus of voices complaining about the party.
"I had a good conversion with him and he understood," said Pearl Jr., founder of the Black Women's Movement in Los Angeles and the author of the book "Black Women Need Love, Too."

"Ignorance can't always be an excuse," she said. "Colorism is real in the black community. It's especially very degrading to dark-skinned black women."

The party's discriminating tone harkens to the day of the "brown paper bag test," which compared the complexions of blacks to a brown grocery bag before they could be admitted to social clubs and affairs, said Pearl Jr.
The activist said she had a heart-to-heart talk with Barnes and he immediately told her he would cancel the party.

"He was basically falling in line with what we have been taught (by society) that the less African-looking you are the better you are," said Pearl Jr. "Basing whether someone is admitted on their skin color is discriminatory, which is really against the law."

Comments on Web sites and blogs about the party included urging a boycott of the party and filing a lawsuit against the party's promoter.

"The way this should be handled is that our light-skinned sisters should refuse to go unless the darker-skinned sisters received the same treatment," wrote one blogger. "We must stand together and not allow ANYONE, especially, a club to divide us."
Barnes said he is hoping to host an event to raise money for a charity to make up for whatever problems or pain he caused over the party flier.

You can reach Oralandar Brand-Williams at (313) 222-2027 or
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Being from the south I can't understand how you could almost understand if the DJ was white? Almost all of my friends were black girls of all shades and they would always bust on each other 'yeah your nappy head', 'don't trip on those lips' 'light bright almost white' etc. Me being white I just sat back realizing it was not my place to join in such reparte. I saw this discrimination first hand as an ousider under the 'guise of humor' and though well maybe it is a 'black thang'. It was not until I was older and majored in history did I realize how devestating slavery was on people's psyches and how being a certain hue made you more acceptableor less acceptable given the situation.
What the hell was this moron thinking? Somebody send this idiot a copy of Spike Lee's School Daze. Anyone who has grown up black knows this has always been a hot button within the culture.

I mean I grew up with my mom's family (darker being the West Indian decent) and my dad's family (native American and Northern African decent so much lighter) harping on each other. I mean I didn't speak to my grandmother for over a year when she proclaimed "I really never cared for your mother as she was too dark for us."

And as you say, you would understand if this was a white DJ, but a white DJ would never do this as they obviously know more about black folks thant his obviously drain bamaged idiot. And I suppose his next big events are Jiggaboo Boogie Nights and High Yella Heffa Hoe Down.
Hi BigEn, I said that because in NJ where I grew up and in many parts of the USA it is entirely possible to grow up without ever encountering a black person socially. I know because I have been to parts of the midwest , on business, Iowa and Minnesota stick out in my mind, and was told that the only black person the students had ever seen was on television. :eek::confused:

POSTED by BigEn: Being from the south I can't understand how you could almost understand if the DJ was white? Almost all of my friends were black girls of all shades and they would always bust on each other 'yeah your nappy head', 'don't trip on those lips' 'light bright almost white' etc. Me being white I just sat back realizing it was not my place to join in such reparte. I saw this discrimination first hand as an ousider under the 'guise of humor' and though well maybe it is a 'black thang'.

It was not until I was older and majored in history did I realize how devastating slavery was on people's psyches and how being a certain hue made you more acceptable or less acceptable given the situation. You are correct this is common even today but as I said alot of White people who don't have black friends just dont see the difference in hue.
As sad and sick as this sounds the people have finally woken up to the things that are wrong in our world dealing with Racial injustice. I am not sad . The people will speak and some heads will role and the women will have their party. More and more people are using their freedom of speech and seeing that they have a voice and how powerfull it is. I see many positive things going on in our world as of late and it makes me smile.:smile:

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