Edging porno meltdown

Gonna keep this blog open and add in each time I reach PONR then change the image so I can cycle through as much tough porn as possible. JIlover posted this in the Butch Construction Workers and Other Craftsmen thread. I wanna be both dudes, feeling the pleasure of giving and receiving simultaneously and don't mean like having a butttplug in while fucking I mean know EXACTLY how leather-hat feels and how straw-hat feels. Fuck yeah!

Also do like the dynamics, the slightly more boyish dude gets to be top, whilst the stubble tattooed leather man who looks a bit more alpha gets it strong up the powerhole; real men take it up the arse!


Love it, feel it, have enjoyed it, brings back memories of me being fucked by a couple of young chap-wearing studs who just wanted to pleasure an older guy they cruised in a pit stop and took into the desert - thank goodness I can still wank at memories and recall my asshole being reamed with spit lube.

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Pierced Bollocks
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1 min read
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