empty shells of thoughts

Sometimes it's hard to remember that everything isn't a piece of cake.
...that people are stupid...evil is lurking just around the corner.
What's important is accepting that there is no reason for everything.
We all try and try and try.
But sometimes you can't find an excuse for certain behaviors.
It just is what it is.
I don't like feeling like I won't be comfortable.
Because I will be. Eventually.
I do have faith in that. That things will be fine. But the discomfort that comes with the journey isn't always very pleasant. But necessary.
We must have time for ourselves...whether things are amazing or horrible...we must have time to reflect and grow from our experiences.

I feel like a lot of things about my life right now are pointless. But I am doing them nonetheless. I am not going to die from them...immediately anyway. I'm just living. Patiently waiting on what I feel like will be my happiness. And ultimately, if I end up alone...that's fine. I'm happy reading and walking outside. Watching movies. I'd miss sleeping beside someone the most.

We could always be doing more...but it's about personal satisfaction...as long as you aren't a fucked up slob or something. We must realize that we are living for ourselves. Maybe that has always been an apparent realization for you, but is newfound to me.


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