Entry #52 -- Size Check

So first question: During my crazy times with the Mean Landlord, did my dick size stay the same?

Hey, it's LPSG -- might as well start with the important stuff first right? Well, like I said, I was a bit of a maniac during the pandemic. Really compulsive. I wore guys out!

And consistent with that surge, my dick seemed bigger than ever. My erections have been killer. Judge for yourself:
1115092211 (2).jpg

Lost anything? If anything, I am actually bigger. Has that happened to any of you? grown in college?

I took this one and it may be the biggest I have looked (or felt).

Interested in your feedback and comments.


Congrats for the possible growth! Have you measured it to be sure the pole grew?
Did you lose weight? Not eating right,
Well I think they say for every 30 pounds you lose you gain an inch in length. One time I was in hospital for a month or so. Got home I was huge OMG. I was 125 pounds was why. Now I'm 160 and tiny
Its not impossible to grown a little again, you already are big... but this pics really look impressive, i agree, this look bigger.
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Get some re-measurements brother. I know when I was about 23-24 that's when I reached my full size. I think once you start rolling into your 20's the testosterone really kicks in and you get thicker naturally with time and age. You are looking pretty thick and bigger in the second one for sure.
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I have 2 theories Calboy.
1. The 5-10 blowjobs a day you were getting .....
2. I heard a side effect of wearing masks was a bigger dick

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