F***ING Cock-blockers!

Okay... firstly, all, i must apologize for the vitriol I'm about to release... It's not your fault that I'm angry, but sometimes ya just HAVE to say FUCK it and drive on... so that's what I'll do.

So here goes:

Flashback to my previous blog:
Friend cock-blocking intended woman from other friend--- ME.

Tonight, at work,. the fucking douchebag basically tells me that, once HIS girlfriend leaves town on December 15th, he's going to have "Tami" come over to "keep him company".

This so called "friend" has basically SLAPPED me in the face, as he KNOWS I was trying to see "Tami".

It took a great deal of self-control to override the urge to push him over a guardrail to a 45 foot drop to an asphalt floor, but somehow I managed.


STR8, Gay, or Bi- i mplore upon you ALL-

Where do you draw the line?

I COULD tell his girlfriend what he told me.....
I COULD make his work day a LIVING HELL.....
I COULD Beat the living shit out of him ......
I could stalk him and record EVERY damn thing he does and report it to his girlfriend AND our job, and THEN kick the shit out of him.

but I prefer to be civilized.

However, there is a quote near and dear to my heart....

bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'-

In Klingon, that means "Revenge is a dish best served cold"
Actually, it's transliterated into " When cold revenge is served, the dish is always very good-

and right now, getting him fired, evicted , and left homeless in the cold streets sounds like a plan.....

Well, that's all for now...
Please don't submit suggestions, or you will find them left in the litterbox ;)

Until next time-qoH vuvbe' SuS :

The wind does not respect a fool.



He's not your friend. A friend wouldn't do that to you. Tell his girlfriend, and when he confronts you beat the crap out of him. :smile:

Masybe I should just flirt with HIS girlfriend.....
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I have her number..:cool:

I don't consider that cockblocking my man. Just a little healthy competition. If she showers in between, they're not sloppy seconds, they're CLEAN seconds. Cockblocking is when somebody's mere presence keeps you from getting your lady. What you have here is Woman-Stealing, not Cockblocking. Subtle difference.

Up here, a "subtle difference" can be the difference between a an ass-kicking and a toe tag- and I've seen tat WAY too many times.
Besides, he's a punk ass kid (just turned 26)..
...let him have his fun,
but , at 41, I WAY beyond that shit.

now, if he wants to step UP to my league... then there's gonna be problems:mad:

Ya see...
He wants to play games....

and I DON'T play-

I agree.

I've been cockblocked and it usually takes the form of a girl's friends telling her she needs to go home, because she's hanging on me too much. That sucks bad and I've had it happen a few times, which is why a wingman is sooooo critical when trying to pick-up a woman at a club, bar, or party.

Sounds to me like this guy is gunning for chick you actually are interested in a relationship with instead of just a hook-up. I would suggest that you need to forget this chick if she is the slut type to hook-up with a guy she knows has a boyfriend. She is not a keeper in that case. I would make sure she knows the score about the guy's girlfriend and then either forget her or have some fun sex with her later and forget her.

Unless she is like a total 10 and a demon in the sake she is highly replaceable.


Now, I could be a REAL Ass, and call HIS girl up and flirt with her , as I have her cell number- and see how HE likes it... I'll lay Vegas odds he either backs the fuck up, or wants to fight-

and, as stated before, but not QUITE this way- let him go for what hew (thinks he) knows...

I don't wanna get EPMD on him :biggrin1:
There is nothing fair in love. So. Find another woman that is better than Tami.

Let him have her. There are plenty of available women for you. Don't even sweat it. Get you another woman.

Point: If he tries to mess with your new woman...you can break his fingers.

like that....

one at a time... nah.. he's wimp out after breaking a nail, so a FINGER would absolutely devastate the little pup!

Beating the shit out of him would be pretty stupid. Why would you do that?

Making his work day hell... immature and ineffective... he probably wouldn't even know what you were mad about.

As for telling his girlfriend..... yeah sure, why not? It's his own dumb fault for bragging about it. You say you're trying to be civilized, and most would consider this the "right" thing to do anyway since he's cheating on his girlfriend.

Aside from that my advice to you would be to grow up and get over it. Whining about getting "cock-blocked" is so dumb. Just because you show an interest in a female doesn't mean that they magically become your property. If some other guy has more to offer than you do or if they have the balls to take the initiative before you do, then why should that be obligated to wait for your lazy and/or less attractive ass? Just because you called dibs? That's ridiculous.

I'd look for better friends. Good friends wouldn't do this. But don't get mad about it.

Valid point-
But I should also have stated that I have helped this so-called "friend " out before- on a FEW occasions, Helping with his rent, or money for food?
Then, to top it off, I bought the SOB a fairly new monitor for his computer because the one he had was a piece of shit, so I called myself being a REAL friend, on top of keeping ALL of his at-work flirting a total secret from his girlfriend ONLY to just step away from someone I am trying to establish a relationship with so he can bang her.....


While whining isn't going to accomplish anything, SOMETHING being done is FAR better than just doing nothing!

You're OBVIOUSLY intellectually advanced, so It should be NO puzzle to you that it is a matter of SUPREME dishonor to DELIBERATELY cross a person like that- it's akin to
- the code of the Samurai, The Arthurian Legends, and pretty much any other literature you find in which man competes with man for woman''s hand (Remember Episode 4 of "Star Wars"? Luke and Han over Leia ???)

At any rate, It is more a point of the friendship he destroyed by dishonoring me, dishonoring ME ,
and dishonoring his girlfriend so blatantly...
dumb dumb dumb!
and I must do more than save face-

-He wants to compete?
Let's see whom the better EMPLOYEE is.

Now you're talking!
Fuck him. You could hint to Tami that someone (a douchebag) will make a play for her on Dec 15. Better yet, why don't you set something up with Tami so that you could beat him to the punch. Schedule a date for the 15th.

Tried that-
He beat me to the punch... (((Shrugging sheepishly)))
He's already interfered on the last two dates she and I had set up...
The first time, He took he up to his place to smoke a blunt with her... his girlfriend was at work... and I PRAY she (Tami) didn't "smoke the wrong blunt!"
The second time, he called in sick to work (which he WASN'T) on the night she and I and her son were going out to dinner.
As He and I are Co-lead employees.... when HE calls OUT they call ME in....
Turned out that he managed to go(along with Tami and her son instead...
So, by this time, you could cook an Ostrich egg on my forehead.....

I Think Ignoring them both might just save me a headache.
Never thought of THAT advantage.

No, I haven't had sex with her yet.
I am being a bit more reserved.
I have heard from a source-
Ironically, the same NITWIT who's interfering, that she hasn't had sex in a year and a half.

As I have been celibate as well---for the MOST part--
I DON'T think she 's ready for me....
She's about 5'5"
no more than 135
Curvy in ALL the right places
Sweet , Dark Chocolate complexion with Hazel Eyes...
And, like me, "Ebonically Challenged" :)

So.. now that I'm through babbling about her,
The endowment thing would be no contest.as, even in a company of 500, word gets around.
..and so does he....but NOT VERY FAR (evil hint!)

I prefer to be enigmatic...
and when the time comes for Tami to know...

I'm pretty sure she'll be MORE than satisfied with her "acquisition"

By the way, Super and Bryce-

thank you.
I'd fuck her in
someotherguy;bt2549 said:
Kill him. But have sex with his girlfriend first. In front of him.
I'd have sex with her in less than a heartbeat!
ESPECIALLY in front of him....Show him what Just ISN'T.
But I couldn'nt kill him-
-except with JEALOUSY!:biggrin1:

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