Found and Lost

As we all know, it usually goes "Lost and Found".

in my case it could go lost and found but lost and found again.

on thursday one of my employees - an 18 year old girl, high school drop out with a 2 year old daughter told me her sister left a dog tied to a post in her yard with a zip tie around his neck on a short piece of rope.
after i questioned her, she told me she did not have dog food for the dog and did not have the money to buy it - more correctly, she would spend the money on something else, like getting her face pierced up to make herself look freakish. more on that later.

SO as i took her home i stopped to buy the dog some food. upon arrival at girls house i instructed her to get bowls to put the food and water in for the dog, as i cut off the strangling zip tie from its neck.

the dog was a young dog not more than a year old that was a mix of white german shepherd and yellow lab. absolutely beautiful dog! and sweet as could be.
girl came out from house to say she had no bowls for food and water and poured some food on the ground, which the dog scarfed up. i told her to get a pot or pan or something to put water in for it. she returned with a paper bowl of water.

i returned the following morning to take her to work -she has no vehicle - and told her i was taking the dog, she had no business having it. she agreed and i put the dog in the car and took it to the office. she did her work while i drove all over town trying to find a wonderful home for this beautiful and neglected dog. no one was able to take the dog.

i took the dog home friday night and bought it a collar, leash, food, treats, bed, toys, etc.

he was a brilliant little dog and loving as could be. no pissing or shitting in the house and upon awakening saturday morning, nothing was torn up or chewed beyond recognition.

and so i loved spending the weekend with the dog taking him hiking and walking with me, driving to the store - anywhere i went the dog went with me.

and come monday i took him to work with me once more.the problem is that the landlady strictly forbids dogs on the premesis. strictly is an understatement.
i called and called trying to find this dog a good home.

i WANT this dog! i want to KEEP this dog! but i am away from the house 10 hours a day 6 days a week and its cruel to leave a dog alone like that and so i maintained my calling and texting and trying to find this dog the perfect home.

yesterday, i talked with a guy i know that fell in love with the dog - a fireman, with a horse ranch and 2 little boys and loving wife. they were looking for the perfect dog.

he went home and told his wife about the dog and she tracked me down this morning at my office and she too fell in love with this little dog - all of 40 pounds. she swore she would be back this afternoon to collect the dog. the dog could not have a better home.
a place in the country, an australian shepherd to be his friend, 2 little boys aged 5 and 6 - the life of riley!

the fireman's wife was an hour late and not there and i hoped against hope she would not show up so that i could keep this dog.
alas, she showed up. she wanted to wait at the bus stop with the dog as a surprise for her boys as they alighted. she and her husband agreed to keep this new dog a surprise for them until they knew they had it.

as i put the dog in her SUV, he looked at me with the most heartbreaking look of abandonment after 4 days of non stop love, attention and great food.

i cried like a little girl at his removal. i even sobbed. lol. i know he has an excellent home and that he loves little ones and being in the country and playing with other dogs. so i am thrilled for him, but selfishly think that no one could love that dog and treat him as well as i do. i realize this is not the case, but still - i became surprisingly attached to this dog after just 4 days.

and so i found a dog and lost him and i am sad, but hopeful that his new family that found him will love him as much as i did.


what a howler. Your as bad as me but thank goodness you found a home- and thanks for trying so hard. Too many great dogs like that have to be put down cos no one gives a stuff.

Onya mate- my hero
It's good to read about a good deed in such a bad world.

And you didn't cry like a little girl, goodwood. The world has moved on - thank goodness. You cried like a man.

As someone who still cries watching "Bambi" and "Black Beauty" or listening to the song about putting "Old Shep" down, I'm glad we're finally encouraging guys to show their emotions.
I cried harder when my dog died, then when my dad died.
Now, years later, I totally miss them both.
You are a good man, and though it was painful, you did the best you could for that dog.
You get extra points in heaven for being that kind - not once but twice. First to get him out of the bad spot he was in, and secondly to love him enough to let him go.

*hat tip*

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