Fucking Friends...

I keep going over this in my head... am I ready to take the next step with him. 10 years of friendship on the line.. do I do it? do I pass? We were a lack of a condom away from fucking last night. But somehow I still think that this is so wrong. I want to.. I want a new level with him, but I can't imagine doing it. Even when I was sitting beside him without pants on.. I couldn't picture actually doing it. I was shaking in fear.

How do I externalize this and just allow it to happen?


Just from what you write, I would guess you are still not ready for sex.Sure there are men who can stir you online, but the proof of the possibility of a relationship is in the actual meeting. If it is a real friendship, I would think it should be given time. I am a bit old-fashioned but I have always felt that it shouldn't happen until it feels natural, necessary, and right; the best sex in my opinion and experience is that which is the confirmation and sealing of the bond of friendship and love which has already come into being. And, such sex is fantastic.
I've had plenty of sex before... it's that he is a new possibility. 10 years seems too much to place on the line.. to wreck, although I doubt that will happen.
I fucked my friend Allan last night. The first time we "went there" was February 27th... after a night of drinkin' together, and all sorts of conversation about how if we ever did, it wouldn't change anything. Surprisingly, it really didn't... except now, if we're in the mood, we can turn to each other.

It happened again last night... after a night out together (with his mom too!) we came home and quietly got it on...

If you put too much effort into the what ifs, it might not be worth it, but I kind of also want to say... "relax, it's just sex"... If you're ok with it, and he is ok with it... then don't stress. Ten years of friendship is a good thing.... sex can make it a better thing. :)
Thanks :)
Maybe I'll try that thinking. My friend who is his next door neighbor said she would do him in a heartbeat. He is hawt to the biggest degree and I think I was hung up on the friendship... I'm going to go all out on this boy. Thanks.
I fucked plenty of friends when I was in my teens and early twenties - it rarely changed the dynamic of the relationship unless an exclusive bf / gf thing developed. I can't say I ever fucked a guy I'd been platonic friends with for 10 years, but a few that had been good mates for 3 or 4 years before hand and stayed good mates with no noticable difference afterwards. You will only ruin the friendship if one or both of you get hung up about it. If you think that is more likely than not then don't do it.

The bit I don't understand is you say you want to but you can picture it. How does that work?

Anyway, maybe try to imagine fucking him while masturbating - if you get more turned on that's a positive sign, if you find yourself turned off then maybe sex with him is a bad idea.

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