Gallery/album rearranging

I've deleted most of the higher quality pics from my gallery and moved them into a friends-only album. I like the functionality of the albums better, and hopefully those on my friends list will like having a space just for them. I'll probably move some or all of my video clips over to the videos section too.


Is it too late to become one of your friends? To move your pics and vids to a friends-only album, leaves me without pics of that beautiful cock that, to me, is one of the best turn-ons in all of the LPSG galleries.
That's funny, I recently moved all my nude pics to a Risque Pics album. Pretty pussy though it is, I got tired of seeing my vag staring at me every time I went to my profile page. :tongue:
Too bad. I'm going to miss the pics of one of the nicest members with one of the nicest members.

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