George Burgess – Rugby Player – Naked Pics

George Burgess – Rugby Player – Naked Pics

George Burgess is a gorgeous Australian pro rugby player, who’s becoming known for his antics off the field. Among said antics? He texted nude pics of himself to his girlfriend. And she did the only thing a girl can do in that situation. PUT EM’ ON THE NET! Sweetie, just claim “hacking”. That’s what Amanda Bynes does.

The pics show George in his bathroom, in glorious full frontal. He’s got a nice cock on him, and his form is amazing. Man, what is it about Australian rugby players? Is there something in vegemite that we need to know about?

Check out his images

George Burgess – Rugby Player – Naked Pics


1. The 4 Burgess boys are English, they just happen to be playing in the Australian league.

2. You can't have Vegemite without first making beer, so you tell me!

3. George ain't half as gorgeous as Sam

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