Girl #2 - Part II

This is part 2 of “girl #2”, from a previous blog entry. It should be noted that before I had my second encounter with T, I had been in an 8 month relationship with E or Girl #3. That blog entry would require a ton of writing so instead I’m going to skip her and write part 2 of T, also known as Girl #2.

T (Part II)- Fast forward ten months later and I’m still 21 in my senior year of college. I was sitting in my Human Resources class when I received a text from T. The text said something along the lines of “I’m back in the area”. I assumed this meant she wanted to meet with me (later she would claim this was a group text she sent to a number of people, but I don’t believe that). So I responded back saying I would really like to see her and the next thing you know we set up a date to go to the Spy Museum.

I agreed to meet her at her University near the front gates. I arrived early and waited for her near a bench. I spotted her walking towards me and to my disappointment she was dressed in all black for some unknown reason. But whatever. I’ll quickly discuss the date so we can get to the fucking part of the story. We took the bus to the Spy Museum. Walked around some festival that was close to the area. I took her to a Chinese restaurant afterwards. Then walked down to the shopping district and checked out a clothing store. Then walked back to her University, where we settled in her dorm. Ok, that’s done haha.

One important thing to note though, while on our travels she mentioned how she liked how my dick felt when we had sex ten months ago. Apparently, her ex was big and having sex with him wasn’t always comfortable for her. Basically implying she liked my smaller size. Keep in mind, my “small size” had much to do with the fact that I wasn’t hard. This made me want to fuck her more at full 100% hardness.

So later in the night, I’m laying on her bed at the dorm with her. I wasn’t expecting sex, but I was ready for it. I was also nervous. For example, I recall her placing her arm around my body and feeling a droplet of sweat flowing down my arm pit (I was nervous lol). Anyways, once again as with ten months ago, she initiated the physical contact with me and we were making out. I should mention though knowing what I know now, I don’t believe she was totally 100% comfortable with me. Even though she made the first move, I should have made more of an effort to make her feel comfortable. I think in hindsight she may have felt like she should put out for me because I had paid for everything on our date. But whatever, you live and you learn. Plus keep in mind, I was very eager to fuck this girl considering my previous failures.

Anyways the making out soon progressed into her lying on her back with her legs spread ready for me to go down on her. I tried most of the same techniques I used 10 months ago, but unfortunately she didn’t cum. Not sure the reason why, but if I had to venture a guess I’d go with that she wasn’t 100% comfortable with me. Just a guess though.

She eventually would ask me to fuck her, and I was more than ready. I slipped a condom on and this time I was hard. Really hard. I slowly tried to penetrate her missionary style but she wasn’t digging it. She was too tight. She asked instead to get on top. So I turned around and got on my back and watched her try to insert herself on top of me. It was glorious. That’s when she mentioned “you are thicker than my ex” with an uncomfortable laugh/smile on her face. Inside I’m thinking “FUCK YES”, I finally I get to fuck this girl.

Ever so slowly, she finally got my dick insider her and began to try to ride me. She wasn’t very good and didn’t look like she had much of a clue what she was doing. Which I thought was a little funny because she had been kind of making herself out to be this “sexually in touch with herself” person yet she didn’t really know ride a dick. But whatever I just laid back and enjoyed myself. At times I would pull her closer to me and I’d do the work just to make things look a little more natural.

Somehow we decided to revert back to missionary and this is when I realized just how tight this girl was. I actually chuckle to myself when girls call themselves tight because they don’t really know what tight is until they meet this girl. She was tight. Like my dick was slightly uncomfortable at times she was so tight. And this tightness led to pain for her while I fucked her. She didn’t look like she was enjoying herself too much as I fucked her, regardless of my pace. I asked her if she was ok and she would say “yes” but I wasn’t so sure. Nowadays, I probably would have stopped and took a break. But back then I didn’t have it all together so I continued since I didn’t hear any major complaints. Soon enough she was asking me to cum and shot my load inside her.

This would be the last time I saw her. My second “one night stand” in a sense. This is because she refused to have morning sex with me or any real intimate contact the next day which I took as a signal that she wasn’t interested in me. Plus, she wanted me to clean her room. Like literally vacuum and shit lol. There are other reasons too, but I’m not going to list all of them. We weren’t a good match. I appreciated the time I spent with her and took the whole thing as a learning experience.


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