Girl #2

This is a story about the second girl I had a sexual encounter with. I was 21 at the time.

T- I met T about a month after I had my encounter with B (the girl from my previous entry). Once again, I met her off of craigslist. This time, I responded to her ad. She was an 18 year old Asian girl. She also had something strange going on with her face that I couldn’t really figure out what the deal was (I would later learn that her teeth are kind of fang-y-looking which explained the odd facial appearance). But even with this, she looked cute, I was still desperate at the time and I was willing to meet up. I’d give her about a 5/10 based on the pics. We corresponded a few times and decided to meet during a week day afternoon. She didn’t go to my college and had requested in her ad to have “weekday sleepovers” at her dorm, so I had to make the trek to her place which was about a 45 minute trip into the city.

I arrived at her dorm building, texted her, and waited for her to come down and get me from the lobby area. When she finally showed up, to my surprise she was much more mature and developed looking then I was expecting. Her face was still a little odd looking, but her body had some excellent curves. I think she had c cups and a noticeable ass. I wouldn’t quite call her thin, but she definitely weighed less than the average person would at her height (which was about 5’5). I’d give her about a 6/10 for the total package. As we rode up the elevator and walked into her dorm room, I once again did my “compliment” about how I found her attractive (as I did to B). But this time, I actually meant it because I was impressed by her body (spoiler alert- I would meet up with her a year later and this compliment she would tell me had a very positive impact on her). When I was in her room, I don’t remember really anything we talked about except I joked when she got a call from someone, “is that one of your boyfriends?”. She laughed, which might not seem like much, but was a good sign for me. At the time, making attractive girls laugh was a real challenge for me. Making guys laugh, not a problem. But girls were tough. Anyways, I don’t recall much except that she said she couldn’t have sex because she had another engagement. That’s when I realized this whole encounter was just to see if I was creep or not. Apparently I passed, because we set a date to meet again and I kissed her goodbye and was on my way.

The next time we met it was once again at her dorm. I arrived and I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but I was quickly sitting on the bed with her. It didn’t take long at all for her to make the first move and the next thing you know we were making out. So the making out part went along pretty smoothly, I was actually kissing this girl on the lips (something I had never done with B) and was slowly removing all her clothes. Eventually, I got to my favorite part where I removed her panties and saw her pussy waiting for me. Luckily, there were no weird odors emanating from it and I was finally going to get my chance to eat some pussy.

Her pussy was much darker than the rest of her body. She was also clean shaven down there which kind of disappointed me (I love hair). I thought it made her look kind of plain tbh. She also tasted really plain. No unique taste or smells which I thought was a little odd but a relief considering my last experience. I really had no game plan except to just enjoy myself and see if I could figure out something she likes. Unfortunately, everything I was doing she didn’t seem to be all that into. She complained when I fingered her (apparently my violent jabbing technique was a no go) and when I licked her it didn’t seem to be enough to get her off. Eventually, she directed me towards her clit and was basically commanding me on how to lick it. I guess I didn’t have a problem with it, but had my doubts as to whether this was going to work. I was basically just licking up and down on her clit at a fairly medium pace. I would say I did this for maybe 15 minutes. And as you can probably tell, this isn’t what I had in mind when it came to eating pussy. This was painful. My tongue was aching, my body wasn’t in a comfortable position, my neck was hurting, etc. At one point, I said to myself she has 5 more minutes. If she doesn’t cum, I’m stopping. Luckily, she actually came! It was cool. Not much more to say on that except thank God it happened.

Anyways, time to fuck! Well, yeah. If you’ve read my last blog, you would know I had a problem getting hard. And unfortunately, the same problem happened. Once again, I didn’t know it at the time, but my nerves really messed with me and therefore, I couldn’t get hard when I put the condom on. I did what I could, slipped it on, and prepared to enter T. As soon as I put it in her, she showed an immediate reaction unlike B. Unfortunately, as I continued to thrust into her, I couldn’t feel anything. And since I wasn’t even hard, I wasn’t having fun. I pulled out of her and basically sat their depressed. Sex, the one thing I had been looking forward to my entire life and I couldn’t even do it. She comforted me as much as possible. I made up some excuse that I had an ex who let me bareback her and I wasn’t used to wearing condoms, which of course wasn’t true.

As we lied back down, T said she had been told she gives great blowjobs, basically implying she wanted to blow me. I let her do her thing and just laid still while she went to work on me. I was able to get hard when B sucked my dick and fortunately, I had no problem with T either. T’s technique was basically to use one hand to stroke me while she used her mouth to such my head. It felt good, but got kind of boring after a while because she never varied the technique. I’d rate her skills below B, who would vary her technique. While she was blowing me, I fantasized about some other things and was able to cum. I don’t remember how she communicated this to me, but she said she swallowed which was pretty cool. So when I was ready to burst, she was fully prepared to slurp it all down which she did with no complaints. I thought it was awesome.

After she finished the job, we talked for a bit which led to another mutual oral session. Once again, it must have taken like 20 minutes of the same up and down technique on her clit to make her cum. This time I was a little more comfortable than the last time, but still in pain during the final minutes. But hey, gotta make her happy right? She responded by swallowing another one of my loads and we went to sleep. The next morning we woke up again to another mutual oral session. I made her cum, but she didn’t make me cum. She definitely put in the effort, but I couldn’t cum. Wasn’t her fault (I’d later realize that because I went to the bathroom that morning, it made it harder for me to cum. It’s just the way I am). Anyways, the only other thing to note was the she called me the “King of Foreplay”. I was totally into her body and was expressing my physical admiration for her all night and morning. Once again, I think that left on impression on her.

When we left, we set a date to meet again. But as it turns out, the night we were supposed to meet she cancelled on me. I wouldn’t see or talk to her again until 10 months later. To be continued…


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