Gloryholes Across The Country, part 3

So yeah, I now am fully embracing the fact that I love takin loads. And I have a home GH, so that’s when I started to accumulate dudes to come use my hole!
I had a few buddies from construction whose wives didn’t like sex much. So I started there. I then advertised on sites and Craigslist (now I use double list) and also word of mouth is great!; I’ve had referrals, too. It didn’t take long to get a few good regulars, but as with anything it was and still is, hit or miss. Occasionally I would have an overly aggressive guy who didn’t think I was “working” his dick right, etc. Those experiences were and are rare, but there are also the rare “duds” who just can’t keep it hard or can’t cum. There are so many great ones though. I have many favorites who have come by a lot. Here are some tales about them…..


I do have a question for you about sex and stds. Do you ask questions about possible stuff like herpes or HPV, or is that just the risk that comes with sucking so much dick. And do the guys who get blown feel the same way?

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