Gogo Chronicles.

36 year old straight, cis, white male here. Despite being an accomplished screenwriter - check out 'Bad Johnson' (a loose autobiography) - and having many other achievements to my name, I'm definitely more well known for shaking my dick around in gay bars as a gogo boy in WeHo. These are my stories.


I remember very early on in my gogo tenure, getting the craziest offers of all kinds of money for private events, shows, hookups. Honestly, the amount of money I've been offered for 'behind the scenes' work is insane. But I could never bring myself to do it. I'm by no means homophobic, but I'm also not gay. And I find the very premise of exchanging sex for cash demeaning. But I also can't tell you the amount of times I've been behind on bills, or rent, and considered letting a customer suck my dick for the modest price of $10,000 (seriously, I've been offered that much and more - and not just as a joke, or pass-away comment)
When I first started 'dancing', it was a new world to me. I didn't really have many gay friends, or much experience in the community. I soon got a handle on who was being nice to me because they wanted to be a good person, and who just wanted to ride my dick. And by the way, almost everyone wanted to ride my dick. It definitely made it difficult to find friends at work. I was in fierce competition with the 'tops' for money from tips, and all of the 'bottoms' just wanted to drool over my penis. I did find a good number of genuine guys in the industry (gay and straight), but I think it's safe to say I operated as a lone wolf.
4th July weekend has me reminiscing about the old days. Independence Day, 2015, I was hired for a private pool party by some wealthy gay LA businessman. He had the usual feeling of entitlement towards me, after all he was paying good money, so I’m sure he was very disappointed that rather than getting what he wanted from me, he instead caught me getting intimate with his beautiful sister and her gorgeous friend in his pool house. Oops.

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Jeff Tetreault
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