Gorean Quotes! Part 1

IF you know nothing of the Gor novels by John Norman then read on it before commenting! They are FANTASY novels for those whom appreciate imaginative reading and though many role-play or live the Gorean lifestyle it's AWAYS at FREEWILL of both men and WOMEN! So, spare me your political views on these quotes. IF you are into D/s you will then enjoy these quotes, those who are not into it, then respect diversity and FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Live and let live!!!!


"Every woman in her heart," said Vika, " wants to wear the chains of a man." (Priest-Kings of Gor, p.204)

"Any man who frees a slave is a fool." (Numerous references)

"Myths say that only the woman who has been an utter slave can be truly free." (Nomads of Gor, p.289)

"A woman can only respect a man who can reduce her to utter defeat." (Nomads of Gor, p.298)

"Woman is the natural love prey of man. She is natural quarry. She is complete only when caught, only when brought to the joy of her capture and conquest." (Hunters of Gor, p.197)

"Only in a collar can a woman be truly free." The paradox of the collar. (Tribesmen of Gor, p.75)

"To take the most brilliant, the most imaginative, the most beautiful women, and put them at your feet, impassioned, helpless slaves is victory." (Tribesmen of Gor, p.128)

"The pride of a free woman is of one who feels herself equal to a man. The pride of a kajira is of one who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself." (Tribesmen of Gor, p.333)

"A girl who is bold is likely to think of marvels of pleasure for her master which a more timid girl would not dare to even contemplate." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.172)

"A man, in his heart, desires freedom, and a woman, in her belly, yearns for love. The collar answers both needs. The man is most free, owning the slave. He may do what he wishes with her. The woman, being owned, is institutionally and helplessly subject, in her status as slave, to the submission of love." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.180-1)

"A slave girl must be at least a whore, and a marvelous one at that. Being a whore is but a small step in the direction of being a slave girl." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.220)

"A slave girl owns nothing. She has nothing to offer a man but her service and her beauty. She has nothing with which to pay but herself. That is the way men want it." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.220)

"A man can truly love only that woman who is truly his, who belongs to him. Otherwise he is only a party to a contract." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.444)

"Once a girl truly understands that she is a slave, and that there is no escape for her, once she understands it truly, emotionally, categorically, intellectually, physiologically, totally, deeply, profoundly, in every cell in her beautiful body, a fantastic transformation occurs in her. She then knows she is truly a slave. She then becomes wild, and free, and sexual, and cares not that she might be scorned by the free either for her miserable condition or helpless appetites; she knows she will be what she must; she has no choice; she is slave." (Beasts of Gor, p.55)

"Women, in their heart, long to submit; this is necessary for the slave girl; she must submit or die; submitted, she is thrilled to the core; she lives then for love and service, bound to the will of her master. The joy of the slave girl may seem incomprehensible to the free but it is a reality." (Beasts of Gor, p.55)

"Freedom permits a woman to live without men. Slavery makes a woman need a man's touch." (Beasts of Gor, p.225)

"Every organism has its place in nature. That of woman is at the foot of man." (Beasts of Gor, p.429)

"A strong man needs a woman at his feet, who is truly his. Anything else is less than his fulfillment." (Explorers of Gor, p.12)

"A woman who has experienced slave orgasm can never thereafter be anything but a man's slave." (Explorers of Gor, p.13)

"The Goreans say that no woman is a true woman until she has submitted as a slave, and that no man has experienced his full sexuality until he has thrown her to the foot of his couch." (Fighting Slave of Gor, p.65)

"No man can be truly happy who does not own a slave. No woman can be truly happy who does not belong to a master." (Fighting Slave of Gor, p.103)

"Women dream not of equals but of masters." (Fighting Slave of Gor, p.116)

"no free woman, because she is free, can truly compete for the attention of a man as can a slave girl." (Fighting Slave of Gor, p.217)

"Women know that they are the natural spoils of conquering males." (Fighting Slave of Gor, p.254)

"Only where there are true men can there be true women." (Rogue of Gor, p.100)

"How lonely is the man who has not yet found his slave; how forlorn is the woman who has not yet found her master." (Rogue of Gor, p.240)

"The garments of a free woman are designed to conceal a woman's slavery." (Rogue of Gor, p.276)

"As the true woman is the true slave, no woman can become a true woman who is not a true slave." (Savages of Gor, p.198)


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