guys who ask to suck my dick

ok, so i'm just a guy. a guy with a big fat dick, it's true — but i'm a guy like other guys in lots of ways. i like to fuck pussy, like other guys... but when i start to nut, i'd rather pull out and spray on her twat than dump inside her... just me, i guess. i never want to be a husband or a dad.

just me, too: when i was younger, i was pretty tight with a lot of other guys, and my first sex for a long time was with guys who like to suck dick. to this day, i don't let women give me blowjobs; it just seems wrong. pussy is hot, but for sucking it's all up to the guys who ask me to suck it. after i started to pube out, my dick was already big for my age, and because i was a friendly guy and never shy about nudity or showing off, i didn't mind showing it or letting guys handle it or suck it, if i was asked.

now, don't get me wrong. i never had much interest in guys sexually from my side, and even now it's stiil about how good a blow job can feel. i've never asked a guy for sex, but i guess i was the kind other guys felt free to ask, and i never said no.

i could usually tell which guys were interested in more than just playing sports and bumming around. there was something like a kind of shyness at first, like they were trying to see if was open to something they were afraid to ask. high school, the gym, college, pick-up games, drinking buddies... i've always gotten plenty of action.

as soon as i saw a guy checking out my bulge, or my bod at the gym in the lockers or the shower, or my dick at the urinal, or getting friendly, sitting close, touching my knee, or glancing at me when he thought i wasn't looking, i knew i could count on some cocksucking fun.

the ones who asked me if i was interested in guys always got a "no," 'cuz i wasn't interested in starting anything. but the guys who asked to see or feel my dick, or asked if they could suck it always got a "yes." i guess when it comes to getting sucked off, i'm a counter-puncher.

as soon as i knew they were gonna ask (and i usually knew before they did), i would get a warm feeling all over, like i was grateful for what i knew they were gonna do for me. i would feel my dick relax and lengthen and my nuts ride up a bit. i never get a hardon until they start sucking, but my cock is always getting ready for the main event right from the moment i feel the question coming.

when i feel a warm, wet mouth on my dick, i start to get hard pretty quick, and after my dick is hard, the guy can jerk it or suck it until i cum. after long experience, i found out that what i like best is to jizz in the dude's mouth, but i don't like him to swallow it. i always ask them to spit it out, so i can see how much i gave them. and the other thing: i like to smell my cock and jizm on their breath. it makes me warm up to a buddy like nothing else to smell my dick and cum on his breath.

the ones that i let get to the point of asking are the really guilty and submissive ones. they make the best suckers becuase they always do what i ask and never expect anything in return. but i always give them plenty of smiles and affection. i let them know i really like them and value their desire to suck dick, even though i would never ask them to do it. i just keep a friendly, open attitude when i see some interest, and encourage them until they ask me if they can suck my dick. and it aways comes down to "can i suck it, please?" they always ask so sweetly, and i can never say "no."

i'm so grateful for all the guys who are thrilled to suck a big dick. i'm a lucky dude, and i'm always ready to respond with encouragement and affection — with big, tight, strong hugs — and when they start sucking, with a hard dick and a big load of jizm.


That was hot. One thing I'm curious about. How is it you define yourself 80/20 gay/straight in your profile and say you're not interested in guys?
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So are you saying the whole scenario you described is a fantasy and not actually a description of your sexual experiences?

p.s. I've been meaning to ask too, is that you in your avatar?
yeah, that's me in the avatar, and yes, it's a description of some of my experiences, but it's my fantasy of how i could be "str8" and still have a lot of sex with guys...
Fascinating. I have always (since my mid-teens) considered sexual orientation categories as inadequate to accurately describe the wide variety of sexual fantasy or activity or interest.
You described that well and I actually think it fits a lot of guys who get confused because they think that reflects their sexuality.
I think all guys fantasize about being admired in someways and guys who have big cocks certainly get that need fulfilled. But I think guys who are less secure than you think it reflects on their sexuality in some way. Even some of the responses you got on this string dont' seem to see the difference.
Also I think even if you are totally straight but like a blow job the best blow jobs come from guys. They have bigger mouths in general so they can handle it easier and they know what feels good to them.
P.S. I would think the downside of having a big penis especially when you are young is that you never know when someone likes you because of who you are as opposed to the appendage you sport. Some guys with big penises never develop the rest of their personalities because they know there will always be someone out there who will be impressed by the size of their appendage. I don't think you will have that problem though because of how you expressed yourself.
You're an interesting fellow Jaime, and I enjoy reading your posts. It was a good piece of writing, very evocative, and even though it might arguably be better suited for the Fictitious Stories forum, it's a intriquing first blog effort. Well done. Without going into too much personal detail, I can relate to your story, even if it was embellished as a fantasy. ;-)

I've always liked your avatar too, intense and darkly handsome. Is it a manipulated photograph or an original portrait?
@ maxcock: my avatar is a snaphot from Photo Booth on my iMac, with a stock photo effect called "color pencil" added. it just makes it look more like an artist's sketch than an actual photo. i've used it in places where i didn't want to be too easy to recognize...

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