Hello People I'm back!!!

Yes I am BACK!!! Hehe!!

I have been offline due to lack of funds....thats right I've been as broke as a bitch!!

But now I'm back!!

So...to all those that like me "Haare Krishna to you" and to all those that don't " Go F*ck"................

Anyway yeah nice to be back online...mite even put a couple of piccies up...will be nice to have a chat wiv some of u guys on here whoever wants to say hi....

Hope everyone has been well and is doin okay....

Speak soon...




Welcome Amber,

If the news is true unfortunately if not now you may have much company in the funds department! Glad to have you back.
What about people who don't know who you are, what's your response then?

"come as you are."
Hey Amber - how's it goin luv? Welcome back ;)

Yeah not too bad!! despite being broke!!

cheers babe...hows u?? x

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