How big is a "Big cock"?

I wonder how big is a "Big cock"?
And how small is a smal cock?
What decides?
please answer.


hmm small would be below average of length and girth. cuz an average length with a slightly below girth would still be average. same with girth over length.

visually girth goes along way to making a peen look big.

large would be an above average length or girth, or both length and girth.


average to slightly above is a healthy dose of peen.

anything above 6.5 to 7.5 is big.
above 7.5 huge.

i would say cocks start getting girthy at 5 to 5.5... depending on where the widest point is. over 6 is outside my realm of possibility :redface:

and for true.. hornier i am, bigger/better the boy's peen look.

going by measurements here, mostly the fibbers, i don't think they realize how thick 6 inches really is. cuz.. damn... is big. :yup:
^If you say so...

I'd say a "big cock" would be above 6.5", a small would be under 4.5-5"ish. It's not like it matters, if you can't use it right it's just a meat appendage being useless.
I think 8 inches and above is big. I guess 5 to 6 inches is average and below 5 is small. But honestly I don't know what rulers some guys use. Is it the metric side and there claims are in centimeters? I am just tired of guys lying about their size.
Statistically, about two-thirds of men have erections within one standard deviation of the mean (roughly 4.5 to 6.5 inches), so anything above that could be termed "big" and anything below that could be termed "small".

There are no rules about this. Classifications of this kind are subjective and often self-referrent (Is it bigger or smaller than mine?). You can choose your own definitions of what you think is small or big.

In comparison with gorillas, nearly every human male has a big penis, because the gorillas have erections between 1.5 and 2 inches.

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