How to pick up a guy

Can anybody give us a general rule of signs to look out for if a guy is interested.

Also, how do you make your move? What is good ways of getting the guy?

How do you know he is interested?


Look for eye contact, and just start talking to him. If the conversation keeps going, about ANYTHING, that's a sign of interest. Remember to smile a lot. IF you want to bit a little flirty (in a subtle way) then touch him on the arm once in a while.

Try one of these while you do so...
"You must work out"
"Do you play a sport"
"You're so funny"
"You're so sweet"
Being a truckdriver, I am often "picked up" in truck stop restaurants. I don't like for them to be out and proud, open, public, and overt, for everyone in the trucking industry to know my personal business. When they start flirting and touching, I become very cold and rejecting. The best way to pick me up is to have a good conversation, learning that I like cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, fishing, camping, hunting, guns, etc. Then make up an excuse to call me on the cell phone, for example you know someone with a 57 Chevy, and he might be willing to sell it. Get my cell # in case you learn he wants to sell it. Leave the restaurant, the call a few minutes later and tell me exactly what you want. If you want to suck me off, then I will let you know that I am game, and will say something like I will be back in my truck sleeper in 10 minutes so call me again and I will have that information for you. If you want anal, I will say something to let you know that I am not interested in that particular situation. I have never and will never engage in any public sexual activity, including in a stall in a public men's room. Even though I am completely willing for most normal ordinary people, male or female, to suck me off, when I am approached in a mens room, I react with anger, outrage, and self-defense mode. Unless there is absolutely no one else in there, and the man tells me quickly and without any hemhawing that he wants to go back to my truck sleeper with me and suck me off, then I will say "ok let's do it". Very rare that anyone has ever been that bold. They usually do a number where they look at my dick and grin at me without saying anything, or worse, getting their dicks hard and shaking it at me. I count that as an attact and go into self-defense mode. I hope this helps, and if you like to do what I like done, then you are welcome to pick me up.

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