I, Eye

Across generations, across social media, throughout the internet.....men and women have experienced different fetishes. Pain, pleasure, and sometimes both. When it comes to the body, you know how it goes. You ask someone what's their favorite part of another person's body, regardless of gender. Guys will say "oh yeah, I love those tits" or "I'm an ass man, it's all about the booty." Women will say things like "I love men with shaved legs" and "guys with dad bods turn me on" or "I love men with nice haircuts." Me? Well, it's the woman's eyes. That's what weakens my legs. Yeah, I know....shocker, right? I can hear the growing collective of women screaming "Nooooo, lies! All lies! You're supposed to be pig-headed like the other men and say you like the taboo parts of our bodies! This wasn't in the script!" Yeah sorry to break it to ya, but I like going against the grain. The boobs/butt/package is just dessert to me. The eyes are the main course. Especially green eyes and dark hair, which is very rare in the world. Whenever I see that(no pun intended), I internally lose my shit. It's like a drop of blood in the ocean and then the shark goes apeshit. Make no mistake, T&A is one of my fetishes, but those windows to your soul is what I'll be pining for. I love the eye contact when I'm having sex with you. I love when you look at me with those pretty eyes while you pleasure my dick. I want to wake up to you staring at me with that smile, eyes gleaming in the morning sun. Imagine having eyes like that plus being able to make blueberry muffins......the wolf would be at your mercy. Now......where did I put that bottle of Windex?
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