I Got My Nose Pierced Today.

It is a septum piercing which is in between the nostrils. Like the kind that bulls wear. :wink:

I called around and one place wanted $40 plus $15 for the ring. Two closer places wanted $60. I found a place that only cost me $40 with the ring included.

I am very happy. I got a 14 gauge circular barbell so that I can tuck it in when I want to. When tucked in you won't be able to see it face on, only if you look into the nostrils, some people get black rings so that it shows even less when tucked in.

They pierce through the skin and just under the cartilage so it does not hurt as much. If you pinch your nose in between your nostrils you will see what I mean.

I was expecting pain since the pain from the Prince Albert was a 10, but the pain from this was minimal. It would be a 1 compared to the PA pain. I got the larger of the two options, the other was 16 gauge. The numbers get smaller as the thickness of the ring gets bigger.

I am also stretching my ears. I had them pierced about 9 months ago, but never stretched them. I first bought a pair of 18 gauge earrings from Walmart. Then I got my taper talon (they look like crescents and have small rubber rings to keep it in place) kit from Ebay. It goes from a 14g to 0g. I put the 14g in no problem 5 days later I put the 12g in. Two days after that I put the 10g in. The ears are pretty forgiving and easy to stretch with the smaller gauges.
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<sniffs and daubs eyes with hanky>

My little Mem's all grown up.

Good for you. baby. I'm sure it looks hot.
Hey dude, got my spetum pierced and didn't feel at all! Septums look ace and i'm sure yours looks wicked :D
I just stretched my septum piercing to 12 gauge. It went right in. I saw a bigger one in a porno and it looked cool. In a while I will try to stretch it to 10g, but I want to make sure that I can still flip it up and hide it when I want to.

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