Hello, I hope you're all well. I didn't want to speak about this, but I need to get it off my chest. Several friends believe I'm a prostitute. Some acquaintances have even made subtle offers. I don't like it. As flattering as it can be, it's not true and has made me feel very isolated. It may be connected to some strange e-mails I've received. I believed it to be a joke, but even my closest friends believe it. I've tried to find the source of these rumours but everyone has remained tight-lipped. I feel that my 'friends' are not friends at all. Why believe these rumours? Maybe I'm overreacting. I don't know. Some personal details are now widely known; things relating to my sex-life and past experiences. It scares me a little. I'm still sane and remain happy, however, I'm starting to feel the weight of the situation. What do you suggest? Will the situation resolve itself? Perhaps I shouldn't be writing about this, but I needed to clear my head. :smile: Besides, this is a support group. ManofThunder, signing out.