I made your boyfriend cheat...

It's hard to look you in the eyes and talk to you when the taste of your boyfriends cock is still on my lips.

Yes I made your boyfriend cheat. He asked me how I wasn't gagging on his cock. I laughed.

This is how you fuck up relationships between classmates, I'm a very bad girl. But he came onto me.


Whoa whoa whoa, that is bad
ah young and stupid. If he cheated, it was because he didn't care about the other person in the first place. Its not like any of these relationships have any real potential, esp if someone is going to cheat.
Ah shut up nj, I'm not going to be 40 something years old and regretting life. I'm living mine and having fun while doing it.
Who gives a fuck, mutual consent is mutual consent. If it wasn't you it would be some next bitch awaiting his pork sausage.

Do you take pills or actual MDMA?
That is a really dirty way to do things, MDMA is far too special to waste. Once a month is more than enough, once a season is ideal. But then again I speak from a position of regret, having taken on the order of 4 grams in a week and then stopping.

I'm surprised an E-tripper would pull off a move like this. My perma-heightened empathy would not let me. Although a burst of testosterone probably would.
Wellllll.... Aren't u a clever girl!!!!!

What do you want a gold star love!?????
"Ah shut up nj, I'm not going to be 40 something years old and regretting life. I'm living mine and having fun while doing it."

You made a guy cheat on his girlfriend? What ever it is you are wearing, selling or eating let me know. I need some of that. I thought this was an individual choice on both the participants part to cheat?!?!?

We love "free will" don't we? ;-)

You go TK.
Yeah STFU Nj

TK is doing that other girl a favour by exposing his complete lack of commitment & will power!

TK is a giver. So selfless I could cry. Im crying.
"He asked me how I wasn't gagging on his cock."

Was it really that big, or is he just full of himself? At any rate, I hope it was super-delicious!
Likely both of you would say that. He to get down your pants and you so that you look less like his wash cloth. I hope you charged for that service.
I must concur with NJQT466.
You need to take a class in "CLASS". Your never too old or young to be a lady. Surely, your mother has taught you that.
Young you are, but that does not entitle you to hurt others intentionally.
LMAO I really don't care what you say and I'll probably fuck him this week. So suck on that, nothing you say will stop me.
LOL!! And I bet you still kiss your mother with that mouth. Being a whore is nothing to be proud of. Why would I want to stop you from something that makes you so happy. I was only saying that if he treats you like a whore shouldn't you charge like one? Or do you not even have that much respect for yourself?

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