I want you to spank me........

'I want you to spank me my love! '

My hands are clasp the white blouse tightly and I am looking a little downcast. Stepping closer to you makes you tilt your head back so you can keep visual contact with me. Looking at you directly in the eye, I tell you again.

'I want you to spank me!'

My voice sounds a little husky at the moment, you know how much I want this.
I step between your knees and turn fully so my bum is the only thing you can see. It is covered in that short skirt, it just barely covers me, now my hands move down and grabbing the hem at the bottom I pull my skirt up till it bunches up round my waist. My cotton briefs that you can now see me I am wearing are pure white and pristine. They are so close you would almost be able to touch them with your nose if you leaned in only a little.

My fingers are hooked in the band as I stand here quite vulnerable, waiting for you to tell me what you know I want to do for you, but I am waiting for you to tell me.....

'Pull them down now'. You say after a moment

My hands slowly move downwards, I try to stop my fingers from trembling ever so slightly with excitement, You are so close that I can feel your breath on my skin as I pull them down exposing myself for you. I pull my panties over my bum till they finally rest under the curve of my well rounded ass. My skin has little goose pimples now as my body aches for you to touch it, I find it difficult to relax in your presence and my excitement is already growing.

Stealing a momentarily glance over my shoulder I see that your eyes have not moved. They are transfixed on what I have wanted to show you for so long. Your eyes study me, looking intently at what I have. It's for you.

These mere moments feel like hours and time passes so slowly as I stand meekly before you in my exposed state. Inside, my stomach is in knots, my body is taut and my head contains a wordless scream. Silently pleading for you to reach out and to touch me. To reach out and feel me. To reach out and hurt me.

Then, at last. I feel your hand touch me, your fingers and palm move over my right buttock following the womanly curves of my cheek, hips and waist before returning to trace circles on my ass, my body feels like it has jolts of electricity running through it and they follow the path of your hand wherever it moves kick starting my arousal. This is so intoxicating, but I want more. I want more!

As if reading my mind your hands grab me and you maneuver me round slightly, then your strong firm grip pushes me downwards. I catch my breath as I feel myself moving down. down. down.

Till I am laying over you, I am lying forward and you are fully supporting my body weight on your lap, I can't move, I am at your mercy. But mercy is not what I want. You know what I want and as your hand starts to stroke the twin orbs of my ass, you know what I want! It is the reason I wore your blouse, the reason I wore your skirt, the reason you are rubbing my naked bum now.

Then you stop. and you remove your hand. With my head bowed down I can't see what your doing, but in my mind's eye I can clearly see your hand raised! Raised high and ready, your arm quivers slightly as the moment builds, the moment we have both spoken about so often, and now it's happening,

and then your adrenline kicks in ...... and your hand falls.....

SMACK!! Like the crack of a whip, instantly! the noise is everywhere and then just as suddenly it is gone. But something far more wonderful has happened.

It is like nothing I have ever felt before!

My brain knows what's happened, it heard it happen, but it takes a few seconds for my body to react and feel the heat and confirm what you have just done. I hold my body very still concentrating on the intense sensation as my right buttock feels the intense heat like a flame. With my head down and my eyes clenched so tightly in the moment I can feel the beginnings of tears start to slip down my nose. Then I feel the same intense heat again! As you spank my left buttock for the first time as well.

Oooh God!! I silently whisper in my head. My mind swirls as I try to gather my wits together and I bite my lip trying to keep myself together as all of these things crash through my mind.

Then it gets even better! Now this wonderful heat increases as you spank me again! and again!...... and again!! my bottom burns with a more constant heat now as each individual strike is lost in a constant glow that builds with intensity as if you kept adding logs onto an already blazing fire and I am lost in the moment.

After a time, the blows subside and I can feel your hand stroking my now stinging sore ass, the softness of it makes my body ultra sensitive to what you are doing now and shortly I can feel you change the position of your hand and the way it moves on me. Your hand still moves in big circles that encompass my ample bum but now they start to flick and brush the sensitive areas between my thighs and involunterally I part them by the merest amount and tilt my hips slightly. As now your fingers catch and pulls slightly at the lips of my pussy my arousal was been buildng from the moment I saw you but now its just reached as new high point as my body reacts to your touch and my juices eagerly flow.

I raise my head and a moan escapes my lips. As your fingers now seek entry into my fully aroused pussy....

My arousal was been building from the moment I stood before you and turned my bum to you, but now I let out a moan as your fingertips spread my wet lips and effortlessly my slip into me. I shift my weight on your knees and lean forward spreading my legs as wide as possible giving you total access to my aroused body.

My breasts are squished against your thigh and my elbows are tucked in against my body, but now that I have changed my position, I can feel your arousal straining through your trousers pressing against my arm.

Your fingers start to move. Smoothly you start to pump them into my sopping wet pussy. I moan louder as I feel you slip an additional finger inside. You action is long and steady and I hold onto your leg, bracing myself against your action so you can fill me as deep as you can.

'Princess, How is that?'

I hear you ask, but it is impossible for me to put a coherent thought together let alone be able to describe what you are doing to my body, but now I can feel my orgasm building. I don't want to cum yet. I want to feel your big hands on my ass again. I throw my head back and plead!

'Spank me again'!!!
Instantly you remove your fingers from inside me but instead of meeting my need your other hand grabs a fistful of my hair and you turn my head towards your fingers, the same fingers you had inside me, the same fingers that are soaked in my juices, the same fingers that you now shove into my open eager mouth. Both of them at once. My tongue wrestles frantically rolling your fingers round my mouth, I can smell the musk of myself on your hands as I breath heavily in my heightened and aroused state. My tongue licking and my lips sucking them, sucking them into my mouth like I would suck your cock right now if it was there.

As you slide your fingers out of my mouth I bow my head eager to have the taste of my juices linger on my tongue and the scent of my sex on my nostrils, and as I close my eyes luxuriating in my own musky smell
My world suddenly stops again as....

Once! Twice Thrice! Your hand rises and falls in rapid succession.

'Oh yes!' I stammer breathlessly. My body stings but I want more!

'Hurt me!!' I cry! You are relentless now as your hand spanks, slaps and hits me all over my ass and legs now. In fact I have to close my legs as your doing it because of my overly sensitive pussy and as you fatigue and lose your rhythm I finally collapse back onto my knees beside you.

My breathing is ragged and my legs are limb with fatigue. My face is turned in towards your hip and I can smell your manly sweat scent mixed with your deodorant. Your massive hands rest on the back of my clingy blouse and during the frenetic activity one of my breasts has freed itself from my top and your aroused cock is now pressing against the side of it.

My bottom is so sore and tender and as you run your hand over each cheek, my breath catches and my body flinches as you are gentler then you have ever been before, My body burns from the abuse but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world!

But I am not quite ready for my arousal to cool completely. I am hungry and there is only one thing that will satisfy my cravings. I move across your knees, my body regaining control and feeling as I slide off you lap and turn to kneel on the floor in front of you. In this submissive pose I keep my eyes down and I murmur softly, 'Now I want your cock' and you lean back in the chair and this provides enough room for me to undo your belt, button and finally tug your zipper downwards far enough to have your penis spring excitedly from your pants, it's long thickness swaying right in my face as with deft movements I pull your trousers down around your ankles.

Looking at it for a while intently I feel your hands comb through my hair and in answer to your unspoken demand I lower my head and open my mouth feeling your length slide between my lips I begin to suck you with an intensity that would be startling but after what you have done for me, .... and there maybe another day when I will want you to spank me again, and for that I will do anything for you...

Disclaimer - This is a fictional story, based on a fantasy written for me by a friend.


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