It's been a while

A lot of stuff has gone down in the past 3 months but I still bad for not blogging at least something so here's a brief review of May through July -

- dumped by woman (call her C) I previously posted about via text and subsequently deleted from her Facebook
- had a disciplinary hearing at work with Regional Manager and the head of HR over a matter so trivial it borders on petty for which I am now on a final warning which basically means that I have no chance for any advancement within my company for a while now
- been head-hunted by a few companies without actually actively looking for a job (not had any luck though)
- been re-added on Facebook by previous woman, met up and been thoroughly confused by her mixed-signals and explanations yet rekindled feelings I thought I had shed
- slept with said woman a couple of times
- started being text again by a woman my Mom tried to set me up with about 5 months ago
- been on holiday for 2 weeks in Magaluf where I spent a lot of time thinking about C
- get back to find I'm being ignored by them both as well as a lot of my friends over the past few days.

That pretty much brings us to the present, a place where I am searching for an epiphany to some tough questions. I'm also worried that I can feel myself slipping into a particularly dark place at the moment. I think it's because I'm struggling to organise my room at the moment, let alone anything important. It's weird, but I feel my hope slipping away but I'm desperately trying to grasp onto it (how terribly emo does that sound :yuck:).

I think I just needed to vent something out. I'm not sure if there's any advice that anyone can give me at the moment that I'm not already trying to drum into my head.


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