Just a few of my thoughts

Those that know me know what kind of lady I like, (soft ,round (oral) and pretty). There is more however that I need ,to keep a relationship going. Sex by itself is awesome, but I am truly turned on by a woman with intelligence. I like to do things with a partner that is also into sharing her thoughts and desires (outside the bedroom). I think that is the hardest thing to find out there. There are plenty of ladies out there willing to have sex with any big cock they come across, (don't get me wrong, I've had lots of em, and I ain't complaining), but to find a real soulmate is becoming harder. I am pretty easy going so I think I am very approachable when it comes to relationships. Somehow though, I always seem to find the size queens and nymphos first! Don't ask me how it just happens. Damn , just once I would love to meet someone who is great in bed, and who I wanna see the next day for breakfast, lunch and dinner............
more to follow when I do more drinking LOL



Stop drinking and maybe you'll find the one ;)

Seriously though, we all have or have had problems like this. Guys who just want to pork someone and that's it. Great in the sack but nothing upstairs. I guess it's the way the cookie crumbles. Good luck sweetheart.

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