Just a thought

So I live in the "Bible Belt" of PA or Amish Country, as it were. There are more farmers, former farmers, or men whose heritage is farming, and their hands are enormous. Huge hands, manly hands, because their ancestors worked the field and needed big hands. Many of these large-handed men are just large men, like silos. The problem is many of these men are married. I have nothing against marriage at all. The problem is that many of these "farm boys" were raised with the Bible, and I have no problem with that book either. My problem is that many of these men are on gay hook-up sites looking for some action on the DL. I suspect the ratio of married men who are gay, bi, or seriously experimenting is higher than gay men.

So if you want some fun, you have very few options. I am not going to lie here I enjoy sucking a good cock. I also enjoy having mine sucked, but giving is more important to me. After all, I know how good an amazing BJ can be and want to share that with my brethren. If you have a thing about doing things like this with married men, again, your pool gets very shallow.

I am constantly surrounded by these amazingly hot men- many with beards and hairy chests that I crave, but most are not available.
I suppose this sounds more like a ramble, and it probably is. I have been looking at the thread Cum Delicious, and it has me all horned up craving a cock, but if I go on the hookup apps looking for people in my area, I will have to end up jerking off because there is just nobody who is either not married or is waiting for Mr Right instead of Mr Right Now.

I think you just tangled with my sexual frustration!! This is the part where I miss not living in a bigger city with a much larger pool of eligible and horny men!!


I feel this on a spiritual level and I made the choice to get out of my own way.

Close contact does feel good and I really enjoyed being reminded of it. So I decided to just go with whatever happens. If a dude takes an interest in me, I'm going to take an interest in them and if any guy has the balls to want to meet up, I'm doin it.

Dudes have all sorts of reasons to mess with dudes besides being gay. Some guys have wives and are touch and affection starved. Some guys want something different. I don't know all the reasons and ultimately they don't matter.

When it's time for me to settle down with some men or a den, I'll already know who it's going to be with. Until then meats back on the menu because denying myself is a negative habit I need to break.
Its a really odd environment to be in and to be gay and yearning, but believe you me there are some nice gay guys in the community but alas closeted and following tradition, married and spawning kids. I had to good fortune to meet up with a guy with four kids who was the most attentive lover but almost inexperienced with guys having had very limited opportunities. As you mention he had big hands and I have to confess a really sizable cock that was eager to shoot. Having met and had "fun" the rest of my time in that area he was a constant visitor doing me, and me eager to be done.

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