Little Red Speedo


I sported my red Speedo briefs at the local teeny-bopper beach today. At first I was afraid to bare my skin-tight suit around the high-school hardbodies. In the end I was glad I did.

I never go to the Kirkland waterfront. But I couldn’t make it to my local nude beach. It’s in Seattle all the way across the 520 Bridge — a good 15 minutes. And traffic was backed up bumper to bumper. So I shot down to the local beach in Kirkland.

I had prepared myself with a cock ring beforehand. While I definitely wasn’t boning out of my Speedo, I was chubbing just the right amount. I suntanned for about 20 minutes, then decided to go for a swim.

Up until that point I had been mostly ignored. But on the way to the water several ladies turned their heads in my crotch’s direction. I swam for ten minutes or so, checked my goods to make sure they weren’t shriveled, and walked out of the water, trying to make the best of my average mid-30s body.

“Mmmmm mmmmm mmmm,” said a 20-something woman, in a tone that I interpreted as “you look good enough to eat.” I flashed her a big smile in reply. She and her friend followed my cock all the way to my towel… and I caught them gazing at it when I sat down.

In retrospect I should have gone to talk to them… but it felt awkward with my cock bulging at their eye level. I guess that’s what women are used to, however, going to the beach essentially naked, breasts and nipples and butt visible to the world.

Later, while tanning, I heard them laughing. I sat up and realized they were playing with a phone. I think they had been taking pictures of my package. Whether or not they were, I was flattered by the earlier comment, and much more excited about wearing my skimpy swimsuits in public.

I’m not sure whether I’ll brave a thong (except at a nude beach — but then I’d rather go naked there). But it was nice to have my cock on display at a place that is strangely more sexually charged than a beach where people run around naked.



If that pic is how you looked at the beach, no wonder you attracted attention! Speedos may no longer be the height of beach fashion but you certainly fill them well.
@stateofblues -- you wouldn't have to try very hard!

What kind of thong are you wearing in your album? Love it.

Oh. Love the cock too.

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