Love, Hate with the Grey

Ever since this phenomenon started early for me, around age 33, it’s been a constant inner dichotomy. I use to freak out and care needlessly so much that I’d color it every two weeks.

That got old super quick.

First of all, it’s expensive, even to color it myself. Wouldn’t even think about dishing out cash to a hair colorist. So that only leaves, Just for Men or actually mix colors myself for custom looks. And if one doesn’t know what they’re doing, what a scary mess that can be.

Ain’t nobody got time for all that.

I kept up that rigmarole for a while. Til I got tired of the work it takes and hair dye all up in the shower and on the bathroom mirrors.

Sometimes you just have to make due with nature.

Now I never color my grey. It is what it is. Plus I can always clock men whom color their hair themselves. Unless you have it professionally done, it just looks fake AF. And don’t get me started on beard coloring horrors.

Come on guys, if you still have hair, embrace the grey.


That sudden realization that all is not perfect in the follicle department does come as a bit of a shock.
It happened to top me when my long-term relationship, 12 years, hit the rocks. I was out at a local pool purely for the exercise. It was a lunchtime thing and there were regulars including this guy, very early twenties, with smooth olive skin and the most amazing bush, dark, verdant and full, when he stripped down in the shower it was like an eye magnet as he soaped and fluffed with it.
At home I looked at myself and thought the greying aging process in my genital area would be stopped with some hair coloring.
I chose Chestnut Brown, followed the instructs and did a good job, my pubes were a richer color and they looked thicker and I couldn't wait to show them off.
The only problem was the adding process, an arm and leg for stuff, and the time spent doing the application - and frankly I think I was the only one to appreciate the change and that was when I wanked admiring my cock stroking by watching in the mirror! No guy ever said I like your bush when admiring my nob!

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