Mad as heck.

I would have titled this blog "Mad as Hell" in an hopefully obvious homage to "Network" but that would mean I actually gave a shit about this.

I've come to the point where my pride and my need for a job have collided in a jumbled mess of finances and emotions.

The basic plot of this sad tale is that I'm getting no hours at work. I have politely asked for at least a couple shifts a week but yet they do not give me any. It comes down to the simple fact that no matter how many times I do exactly what they tell me, it still isn't good enough. They want me to beg and I will not. I inherited that from my mom. She takes no shit from anyone and neither do I. One thing that pisses me off is the lack of honesty. Simply tell me the truth and I'll quit. But no, they have to come up with excuses like lack of budget but yet they give hours to people who do a lot less than I. I look at the weekly schedule and notice that out of 12 or so people in my department, I am the only one with not a single hour of work. I am not a stupid man and I can take a hint. They are trying to make me quit and I am not going to fight them on it. I'll look for a new job and hopefully I can find something soon so I can give them the Holy Finger and tell these people who act like my friends to go fuck themselves.

Now, anyone know of a job opening?


sorry your having issues at work. I would take the extra time you have and save yourself somemore frustration and look for a better job..

Anyhow, I hope things start looking up for you!
hey man i had that same problem as soon as i found my new job i quit, then they tried dening me my PTO and i had to find my handbook to get it from them assholes well anyways goodluck

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