Marriage is outdated?

I got a comment on my last blog, that I sort of wanted to address today to some extent.

I recently posted, rather, two days ago, I posted that I just want to be married already, and I received a comment where the user could not understand why so many gays wanted to emulate the straight community by advocating for marriage and marriage equality, and stood more on the side that marriage is an outdated, more religious sentimate.

I want to clear the air, the water, or whatever analogy you wish to insert here, is that I am religious, whether that be accepted or not, I've seen many a debate about why I would choose religion in lou of my sexuality, but let's lay that aside.

My reason for wanting to get married is to say before God, and before a group of people who are close to me that the person I stand there with is the person that I want to be forever with, and no matter what happens, I will always be there with them. Sort of as a pact that many social groups create, so that they can be accountable to each other.

I want my friends and whoever will be there that day to know that I am in the relationship for the long/eternal haul, and that I want them all there to be there for me when things are rough so that I keep my eye on that commitment that I made to be with the person forever.

Additionally, I want to make that commitment before my Creator that the person I stand there with when I get married is the person who I recognize as being the soulmate who God created for me, and make a bond before all parties that I want God to make the relationship one that will be pleasing to Him, and to receive His blessing on it.

It is the same, or a similar, situation, as the fact that I want to wait until my boyfriend is out to his family before I ask him to marry me, because I want them to be involved in the process, I want to tell them that I plan to do it, and that I want them to be a part of it.

It goes the same direction for me as marriage. I want God and my friends to be a part of the process, and just making a heart or soul commitment, for me, is not enough.

This is a personal belief, and I want to err on the side of caution that if anyone is offended by my beliefs, I just want to clear the air about how I believe, and I am not suggesting that anyone else should feel the same. This is just me.

Have a good night everyone.


It is indeed outdated. I think I read recently that for the first time in this country there are more unmarried couples living together than married couples.
I want to clear the air, the water, or whatever analogy you wish to insert here, is that I am religious, whether that be accepted or not, I've seen many a debate about why I would choose religion in lou of my sexuality, but let's lay that aside.
:eek: I believe as long as love exists and people care enough about each other to make a public commitment, that marriage will never be outdated. There are many atheists on this site, but I imagine even some of them may even be married (IDK, just an educated guess there.)

Your reasons for wanting to marry your partner are no different from the reasons a good many straight people would want to marry. I'm sure there are some that would want to marry for the financial gains, but, I'd like to think that for most, the reasons would be to show an expression of eternal commitment and love to one another in front of family and friends who will be there to offer their encouragement to the couple.

I cannot say all of this with authority, this is only my opinion.

I applaud you in standing for what you believe. Who are we to place limits and conditions on God's love and authority?
Now I understand why you want to get married. It's fundamentally a religious issue for you. Do you think it's similar for other gay and lesbian folks?

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