Married men

I am married and liking sex with my wife. Problem is that I need more. Her BJ is horrible. She does not want me to anal her.

But then I love to check out naked men too. I know I am bi, but very afraid to live it out.


You're in the right place for bus & anal. You can live a fantasy here or actually meet a few guys. You should be able to ask you wife to suck better ( as long as you eat her the way she likes it ) & anal you'll just have to work over that hump creatively & slowly. Have you tried giving her yours first? Being bi & giving is fine. You sound hetroflexible. Good luck to you
Hey man, You are not the only guy who feels this way.

I'm also married, 7 years - together exclusively for 9, and enjoy checking men out too. I will say her BJs have improved greatly in recent months. Think she finally understood how much I enjoy it and realized it's helped keep the "spark" alive in our marriage.

One thing I'm glad about it I don't live in "fear" of living out my male sex urges. I experimented a lot before we committed to each other exclusively. I wouldn't mind messing around with another guy again, but I don't want to hurt or ruin my family. Sex just isn't worth it to me. I enjoy looking and jacking off. That how I cope. LPSG is kind of my tether to my male erotic needs. Hopefully you'll come to enjoy it as your "outlet" too.

I was born in 19972 if that helps you any. Look me up if you'd like to chat more.
I posted under your other blog too. Have you tried gently guiding her and showing her how you like to have your penis handled? It may be a problem of just not knowing what to do and no...I do not suggest showing her with a porn flick. You stated previously that she's conservative. You may make a ton more headway if you start out your experimenting while taking a weekend romantic vacation just for the 2 of you. Couples are often much more sexually receptive when relaxing together on vacation. Then be sure to lavish tons of praise, hugs, and kisses on her when she does react the way you want. Making sure she has a mindblowing orgasm or two before the BJ and again after is also a great thing. With the Bi issue, I made some suggestions on your other blog so I won't go back into it here.

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