Me && My Boyfriends Hetero Lifemates.

Okay so it goes like this:

I date Jeremy. Amber dates DJ, but me && baby date Amber && DJ......

still with me? haha...

well last night was the shizznit && all that with a bag of chips, twinkie, and diet coke.

we all went out to the movies and watched yesman.... that shit was off the chain....

we always have so much fun with those two, and today is their two year anniversary..

when we chill with them, its like the first insane clown posse card comes to life && we are the carnival of carnage... you know the traveling ghetto.... just a bunch of srcub kids who found love and friendship && thats enough for us...

speakin of carnival of carniage i didnt leave a music quote...

"I'm chillin'
I'm illin'
with my guts all over the ceiling"
-guts on the ceiling, ICP

yeah simple and to the point, yet this hook will be in my head for hours =D

i guess later today i might post a blog on the 6 cards .... along with my story [[its gets weird, but hey maybe some of yall will feel me...]] about how i found the dark carnival.. its an important part of my life to me.. and i think my blog reflects that...

peace out


Holy fucking shit! I have no idea whether this means I'm old or you're stupid - I'm guessing it is a combo of both - but really - what stinky pile-of-dog-shite-dressed-up-as-brownies of a blog. Not, I hasten to add, because I don't understand it - I do, I'd rather I didn't, but I do. No - even if it were written properly and using the archaic terminology of my youth it would be a steaming pile of shite. 'Travelling ghetto' my arse.

Pretention to the nth degree, if you ask me. Which you didn't I guess. But, if this is your caliber, I'm feeling a bit of an eejit for trying to put forward your rape fantasy thread as not being badly intentioned.

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