Memorable, but not so bad...

It's 24 hours (and a bit more) since the biopsy. I'm very happy to report that the burning discomfort was diminished through the evening with moving around and with Tylenol (no aspirin or Motrin or such allowed, as these can promote bleeding). I was able to sleep well last night, with only some minor sensation that my prostate had been attacked a few hours earlier. Not so very different from the feeling I sometimes have in the hours after a particularly intense orgasm that follows a longish dry spell. And I woke this AM with no unusual sensation at all. Wonderful.

The first piss of the morning reminded me that, yes, all this had happened yesterday. It started out a shocking cherry red, but quickly became normal in color. No pain or discomfort. I had been told to expect some blood in the urine that will last a few days. But since there was no pain and no burning, I felt it would be just fine to go to work. But not on my bicycle. A great day to take the bus.

I took some Tylenol after I shaved, and wrapped a couple more tablets to take to work. The ride in on the corporate bus was a bit rough (I'm convinced that the bus suspension was built by descendants of the folks who built Conastoga wagons) and I wondered if my prostate was going to tolerate 20 minutes of bouncing around -- but it all turned out fine.

At work I realized that I'd left my carefully wrapped Tylenol at home, but a co-worker generously offered me some more, so I was able to keep any stray sensations at bay during the day by taking some more at lunch time. Except for the cherry red drama at the beginning of each visit to the urinal, everything felt OK and I was thrilled. Sitting at my desk, attending meetings, chatting with co-workers. Everything was just about normal. Great!

It feels, now, about 30 hours after the procedure, like everything has actually returned to normal. I have taken the last of the prescribed antibiotics and don't anticipate any weekend worries. I'm not taking any more Tylenol. If it were not for the blood I see when I urinate, I don't think there would be any evidence of the procedure. Except, of course, that I've not ejaculated since the procedure. An LPSG member has warned me that that might be a bit painful, and the urologist said that there would be blood in the ejaculate and it would slow to go away. I'll let you know how that all goes. For now I'm happy to not push things, and to let healing happen.

For no good reason I feel fairly optimistic about hearing the lab results next week. Don't know why. Just blind optimism.

I watched a DVD at home tonight. I enjoyed it as I had when I first saw it in a cinema. Should I attach any significance to having chosen to watch "The Bucket List?"

More to follow...


Wonderful news man! Optimism is good. As to your choice of dvd, it was for enjoyment, don't put too much significance on it! I liked the movie too BTW.
Bud...strong man u are, i took a few days off work and played the hurt guy thing...DO not think u are not wounded..take it easy your body has been invaded..REST this weekend...I did not ejackulate for like 10 days, expect a pain for sure...clean/white color was a few weeks after that...Your mood is great..I am pullin for you...looking forward to a good report from you...J
Thanks for your blogs on this issue. Very informative.

LIke many others, I'm cheering for you on the sidelines.
Lgtrmusr it has been more than a week. Did you get the results? I feel you blog is helping everyone and I would love to know how you are doing.

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